Wednesday 28 May 2014

the Swahili Economy

the Swahili Economy.


The Swahili Economy, and as with it even referring and to the Pokomo people in all, and an Economy too, and that does not utilize Western Terminology in all again, and when it does come to Monetary systems that is, and as with it in all even, a Versatile Economy too [and as once seen even and in Kenya, and in the 70's too that is], and one that does speak even and of Money, and from terms and such as Hela, Fedha, Pesa, Fedhwa, or even Chapaa too in all, and as with it all and in all again, actually associating Money, and with Communications in themselves too, and Communications too, more versatile in their ways, and as compared to those seen and in the Western World too that is [that in all again, Kenya and as falling apart and after the 70's, does speak in all even and of its Money Economy, and as changing too, and as with Hela for instance, capable of being derived in all, and from ones Workplace Boss too, and with the right Communications that is].