Activation - Deactivation.
We do live in societies today, and which are defined by activity/inactivity, and as said in all, and to go along and with speak of Availability [and as including speak of Money in itself too that is]. In many a way, this does speak even and of the lack in all perhaps, and of viable Creative industries, and in society too, and as with they in all, taking into account all kinds of Trends and Currents, and as seen in society or even Worldwide too that is [YouTube].
In many a way, this in all does also speak of an Awareness problem, and as with basic speak of Awareness here in all, and as defined too, and in speak of Trigger Mechanisms, and as with the example even and of simply having a great Business Idea that is. In many a way though, speak of Awareness as such, does take into account many a Bodily Mechanism, but as with it even referring in all, and to Behaviour, Human, and as defined in many a way truly, and by Religion and Psychology in itself actually. That in all, it does call into question, an understanding in all again, and of oneself, and even society, and as based around speak of Awareness, and that does go along and with speak of Human Behaviour, and as defined in all and as based around speak of Bodily Mechanisms that is.
The above form of modus operandi in all though, has in many a way today failed, and as Human Behaviour and Psychology today, is at the very least even, more or less Uncivil, and as compared to that seen in the past, and as it does in all, talk of Mass Psychology that is [and speak even of Religion too, and that does go along and with basic speak of Rebellions, Revolts, Insurrections etc.].
In all, it is believed in all that, there does exist in all again, a higher society, and which does not truly speak of Trigger Mechanisms and other Bodily Mechanisms, but one in all again, and that does go along and with speak even and of Activation-Deactivation [and as with further speak even of Gene Activation that is, and as going along even, and with a Viral Infection that is]. In many a way, what this does truly mean is that, those who do simply know what Activation or De-activation truly is/are, can in many a way even, not only truly trigger in all, many a happening or occurrence in society, but speak in all again and of Activation - De-activation, does speak even and of many an unexpected even, ramifications, consequences or even repercussions too, and to be seen in society, and as with further speak even and of what some do term 'The Wheels of Time' that is [and all this too, and as perceived in all again, and in speak of Awareness, and the Unexpected and as happening or occurring too that is].