Thursday 29 May 2014



Neighbours, and as with it even remembered in all, and as a rather memorable TV show in Kenya, but which in all ways even, did actually have an adverse effect, and on those who did watch it, in that, it did in all again, speak of the everyday/daily experiences, and of the said residents of Ramsay Street too, such that, it did in all again, lead to the very displacing of many a person in Kenya and who did in all watch the show, and from their everyday/daily lives too it is believed, in that, it did associate in all again, certain said everyday/daily experiences in all, and with certain said speech patterns too, and the very subconscious belief in all that, certain experiences in all again, can only be associated and with certain speech patterns too, and while this is not truly wrong, it does not speak in all again, and of the Alternate experience/take that is [and as with it even said and as going along, and with differing speech patterns too that is].