Thursday 29 May 2014



Life's Journey and the Horn of Africa:

Those who did in all attend a Kenyan High School, probably in all again, were presented and with a problem in all, and in the Subject of Physics too, and that did speak in all again, and of a marching band of Troops, and across a Bridge, and whose marching in all, and when said to resonate in sound, and with the Bridges tensile strength too perhaps, would in all make the Bridge collapse that is.

To speak of Resonance though, and in a Spiritual format, is to in all ways even associate it all, and with many an Awakening, and as having to do even, and with mistakes made in life that is. That in all, it does speak even and of the very choices perhaps, we do make in life, and speak even and of regret, and on realizing a mistake made that is [and regret too, capable of stunting one in many a way for instance]. Resonance in all, and as said truly even, and as guiding one through life, and as with regards to not making many a mistake, and as with it all even speaking of an Awakening, Spiritual too, and as with regards, and to resonating in all, and with many a thought that is, and as with it all even believed said to speak in all, and of the very end of ones life, and the Awakening in all again, and to many a mistake made, and speak even and of just how life in all, could have truly turned out, and in experience and regret too, and even if in all again, one believes themselves and as having been a success in life that is.