Friday 9 May 2014

Hazards, Dangers & Risks

Hazards, Dangers & Risks.

Foreign Media & the Horn of Africa:

Those in the Horn of Africa, and as a region too in all, might just truly wonder perhaps, what does constitute and for Public Media, Private Media and even Government Media in itself that is. To speak of all this in many a way though, and as with regards even to Private Media in itself and the constructing of Identity in all [and as with speak even of Local Architecture too for instance], is to in all ways even speak of life in the Horn of Africa and as a region, and as speaking of Media too, and as basically defined even and in speak of Hazards, Dangers & Risks too that is, and as in many a way even, not truly forming a National Consciousness, but in many a way truly even speaking of a regional Consciousness in all, and that does go in all again, and with defining Power in all, and in speak of Outreach (or 'Reaching Out' too), Cross-Referencing, and further speak even of Public Relations in all [and as going along and with speak of Queries and Questions and as pertaining even and to Personal or Individual Hazards, Risks & Dangers too in all that is]. In all ways even, the above, truly speaking in all again and of just whom those in the Horn of Africa are, and as with regards to what some do term Social Media in all, and as with it even used to run a Local or Home Business too that is.

In all ways though, Africa and Africans and as said incompetent and by the Western World in all, does not truly have to do and with speak of (Traditional) African Cultures, or even African societies in themselves, but in all ways even, just how Africans in all do deal with Hazards, Dangers & Risks, and as with regards even and to African definitions, and of Power and as said in all and to speak of Outreach, Cross-Referencing and even Public Relations in themselves that is [and as with all this even speaking of Western Imperialism, and the very belief that Africans in all, should define themselves, and in a Western manner, and as with regards to all this, and as with it all even giving rise to Welfare/Western Mentalities in all, and as with regards to speak of our defining of Mastery, Discipline & Responsibility too that is].

In all though, the question of Private Media and as worthwhile in its ways, known to speak of the above, and with Government Media, said in all and to deal with Tribalized Identities in all again, but with Public Media in all again, and as including speak even and of Alien Channels/Programming and as with the case of MNET too, truly leading many a person in the Horn of Africa, to in all again fail, and as with regards to defining or thinking of themselves, and as with regards too Hazards, Dangers & Risks, and further speak even of Power and as perceived from such Lenses in all, and in many a way, Alien Channels, and as truly even brainwashing one perhaps [and as with speak even of Western Imperialism, and Western Intelligence and as said to go with the above], brainwashing one in all, and as with regards even to community/group oriented mindsets in all, and that do at the very least even associate Hazards, Dangers & Risks, and Power too and as perceived from as such, and with African Languages too that is [and speak even of Local/Indigenous Technologies and Local/Indigenous Research too actually].

In all, the only outside Media and to the Horn of Africa, and as said best permissible in all and as with regards to all this, speaking even of what some do term Foreign Media, and as with it even in all best associated and with Government Initiatives, and to simply improve life in the Horn of Africa [and further speak even of Religious Media in itself actually, and further speak even and of viewing Africa in all, and as Continent, Continental, Regional, Localized etc.].