Sunday 25 May 2014



To speak of the word Malaika, and as with it even said Swahili too, is to in all again speak even and of the song Malaika, and as with it even speaking of just how the Swahili in all again, do truly meet the Horn of Africa /Kenya that is [and in speak too that is, and of Spirited natures/behaviour in all actually].

To understand all this better, is to perhaps speak even and of what some do term Earth, Water, Air and Fire spirits too, and as with they even speaking perhaps [and as with the fine example here and of so termed Fire spirits, or even speak again and of the Swahili world and Pepo/Air spirits in all], speaking in all ways even and of just whom we are, and when in states of Fatigue, Exhaustion, Tiredness, Weakness, Lethargy etcetcetc., and as with further speak of one in all again, and in such states, speaking in all, and of entering even, meditative states and as associated in all again, and with Healing too, and that do in all even simply in all again, soothe one that is [and as with the case here in all, and of simply resting/relaxing, and while in a state of Fatigue perhaps, and before, a Camping Fire in all for instance].

To speak of Malaika and as stated in all above, is to not actually speak of Angelic spirits in all really, but speak even and of many in all again, a Nature spirit too, and as simply said possessing one in all, and as with speak even and of simply uplifting one in mood too that is [and as with the example here and of a situation, and that does speak of rain in all, and rain too, and as accompanied in all again, and by the Sun shining too that is].

To however truly know all of this, is to tell one that, the above in all, does speak even and of what some do term Common Beliefs/beliefs [and as with Common Beliefs/beliefs too, the kind to be generated, automatically too, and via an addition process, and  that does speak and of one thought after another that is]. In all again perhaps, Malaika here, and speak even and of other similar spirits too perhaps, and as very much even helping one develop many a Common Belief/belief too that is.