Saturday 10 May 2014

In Tandem / Mwanga

In Tandem / Mwanga.

Most in the Horn of Africa, and as with it said a region in all, don't truly ever ponder in all again, what does constitute and for the Genuine, and Genuine Identity in all, and in the Horn of Africa too that is. That most in all, do in all again tend to associate the Genuine in the Horn of Africa, and with an upbringing or being raised up in all, and in a manner too,and that at would at the very least speak of History and the Horn of Africa, or at the most, speak even and of Consciousness/Assuredness in itself actually [and as with both in all too even, referring, and to the Swahili term 'Akiba/Mali' actually].

There is however another way and of knowing oneself as Genuine, and as the above two mentioned manners, do in all even, speak of Political associations in all, and as with regards to Validity/perspective that is [and as with basic speak even and of the term Political Control too that is] [and speak even and of Identity in the Horn of Africa, and as going along and with speak of changing Political institutions and the changing times too that is].

To speak of 'In Tandem' in all, is to speak of creating Identity in the Horn of Africa, and as with it even speaking of genes and Awareness too, and as with it all even referring and to moving, speaking or communicating in all, and in tandem too, and with not only ones Environs, but in all ways even, and as with regards to Nature in itself too that is [and as in speak of sunlight and ambience too for instance], but that in all ways even, speak even and of being 'In Tandem', and with reality too, and as perceived and from speak even of ones realities, and as viewed in all too even and from a metaphysical perspective, and further speak even and of bodily sensations and as with regards even for example, and to whats behind a closed door, or even truly again, simple speak and of the Swahili term 'Mwanga' that is.