Sunday 25 May 2014

The Distant View

The Distant View.

The Distant View, and as with it all even not only speaking of holding views and as pertaining to the Present, but in all ways truly even, a View in all again used in all, and to usefully perhaps, dissect/study History in itself that is; but that in all ways even, learning how to truly hold this View/Feel in all (and as a Meditative technique too perhaps), does open one up, and to learning at the very least, just how to go about predicting the Future for instance, or even speak again, and of what some do call in all even, Time Warps too that is [and as with this even not only speaking of many a thing as forthcoming, but that in all ways even perhaps, and as with regards to Consciousness in itself, speak even, and drastically enough too, and of Time travel too that is].