Saturday 30 August 2014



The Kenya National Treasury.

The Kenya News Agency.

The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics.

Towards a (Media oriented) Theology and of the Horn of Africa and as a region too, and that does in all even, attempt, and to truly take into account, the real or true History, and of the Horn of Africa and as a region, place or as a whole too that is.

Friday 29 August 2014

Saturday Morning

Saturday Morning.

Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up.

Saturday Morning, a Reprise, and in the said Horn of Africa and as a region too that is.

Kamiti Maximum Security Prison

Kamiti Maximum Security Prison.

A Prison holding in all perhaps, and that has played, a due role in all, and in helping manifest a Kenyan Conscience, and speak too in all, and of a Kenyan Civil Code too that is [and further speak too here, and of Kenya, and as said lagging in all, behind that is, and in Progress too actually]. 



Pioneers of/and Africa, and the Horn of Africa as a whole too that is.

Citizen TV

Citizen TV.

Citizen TV, and speak too, and of the Official Television Station, and for the Horn of Africa, and as said a place too that is [or speak too perhaps, and of the 'Pride of the Horn of Africa' too that is].

Thursday 28 August 2014

Death: A Philosophy

Death: A Philosophy.

For those in the Horn of Africa in all, and as said a region too, and who do in all ways even, simply seek to live out life, and as going along, and not with Indigenous or Ethnic Identities in all truly, but in speak truly and of Myth in itself (and further speak too, and of those who do wish to become a part of World History that is), is to in all recommend perhaps, the creating of Identity and as seen below:

1. Prayer/Communion.
2. Perception/Belief.
3. Invocation/Sacrifice.
4. Somasis/Pain.

Tuesday 26 August 2014



Yemeni, and speak too and of Pakistani and Middle Eastern (and not Islamic) Identity in the Horn of Africa and as a region too in all, and as serving in all again, and as Cultural Agents in themselves, and as with regards and to speak of the procuring in all perhaps, and of many a service or good (and if not Media in itself actually), and other than speak and of National Media Houses that is [and as said believed even, going along in all, and with many a Government or Outside Interest, and to the Horn of Africa too that is].





In speaking of the term Jubilee, and as applied and to speak of many an (Human) Affair and as seen in the Horn of Africa and as a whole or region too perhaps, is to in many a way even, make references, and to late President Jomo Kenyatta's Africanist Agenda for instance (or speak too, and of Kenya, and in History too, and as going along and with speak of many a Hero or Legend too perhaps), or speak truly even and of the Nyayo Philosophy, and as with it all even referring, and to speak of Prosperity (or amicable relations in all), and between all Kenyans too that is. 

Jubilee though, and as  saida term in all, and as said Historical or Philosophical too, is in many a way often believed and to speak of Asian and Swahili Philosophy in all (and speak too, and of Swahili culture and as said somewhat Asian that is), but that Jubilee in all, does speak of Philosophy (and one suited and for the Horn of Africa or Somalia too that is), and that does speak in all even, and of defining the Individual, and in speak of prayer/maombi, in that, it is a Philosophy, and that does go along and with speak of the History of Colonial Kenya, and as associated and with speak of the Kipande System that is [Link1, Link2, Link3] [and speak too, and of Kenya, and as said Uarabu, and further speak here and of the term Jannah, but also speak of the Jamia 'Mosque'/Mskiti and in Nairobi in itself too, and furtherly in all again, speak of many a Kenyan Religious Cult and such as Mungiki for instance], but that Jubilee in all, and in speak of prayer/maombi, does speak in all, and of defining many a person, and in speak of Procedure, Conduct and Demeanour/Guise, and as with it all even speaking of a Tactical Code for instance, but that in all ways even, the Horn of Africa and as region in all, and as said 'Black African' in Identity too, does speak of those in the Horn of Africa and as a region, and as simply said chaotic and in their ways or manners too that is [and in speak here primarily, and of Procedure, Conduct and Demeanour/Guise too that is, and such that, any Developmental Agenda and in the Horn of Africa too that is, is simply said a failure in all, and not in speak of Intelligence either, but in all ways even, and in speak of corruptive behavioural norms that is (and speak too, and of the attempts by some, and to stringently regulate Media, and in the Horn of Africa too that is)].

In all, speak of the only allowable Media in Kenya perhaps, and as somewhat said National too, and as truly going along and with speak of the Msikiti, and as said an African/Egyptian 'Mosque'/Prayer House too that is.

Msikiti and Media:

Tuesday 19 August 2014

The Time Keeper

The Time Keeper.

Speak in all, and of the perceiving of Time in Kenya or the Horn of Africa and as a region too perhaps, and from the very perspective in all, and of the Incident that is [and as with it in all even, truly believed, the best way in all, and in keeping Time, and in the Horn of Africa and as a region too that is].



Bind us together, Lord, bind us together
With cords that cannot be broken
Bind us together, Lord, bind us together
Bind us together with love

Verse 1
There is only one God
There is only one King
There is only one body
That is why we sing


Verse 2
Made for the glory of God
Purchased by His precious Son
Born with the right to be clean
For Jesus the victory has won


Verse 3
You are the family of God
You are the promise divine
You are God's chosen desire
You are the glorious new wine


Monday 18 August 2014


of Stua.

Speak too, and of Disciplinary Action, and as seen in Colonial Kenya too, and as versus speak of Disciplinary Action in Kenya or the Horn of Africa in all truly, and as a place that is, and as speaking in all and of the sense of Touch, and further speak too, and of Capital Punishment that is.

Thursday 14 August 2014

Kenya High School

Kenya High School.

A School in all, and that has a tradition, and of breeding in all perhaps, Womenfolk, and whom or who in all, and in spirit too, can be said to truly represent the Horn of Africa that is [and as with it in all, speaking of the changing nature and of Media and as seen in the Horn of Africa too, and as first associated with Victorian like Women, before Asian Women are said to embody the spirit of the School, and with African Women said thirdly in this process, but a School in all perhaps, and that does signify just whom in all, Somali Women in Kenya, truly are that is].

Wednesday 13 August 2014



The Ciondo, and speak too and of (African) Populaces and in the Horn of Africa as a region too, but further speak in all, and of a Concrete African Law that is [and one said, simply Conjugal in its ways that is].

Sunday 10 August 2014



Wildlife, and speak too, and of what they do term Ambience in all, and in the Horn of Africa and as a region too [and further speak, and of the term 'Seemingly' that is].

Friday 8 August 2014




Dramatics, and speak in all truly, and of Dramatization in itself, and as with it all even said a 'Field of Study' [and alongside speak of England/London for instance, and Shakespeare too that is], and by which, society/Society in all, can truly learn just how to evolve by, and in speak of creating society in all perhaps, and with the said right social tensions for instance, and as in going along here in all, and in stating that, Kenyans or those in the Horn of Africa, and as said the most backwards of people and in Dramatization too, such that, all kinds of outsiders to the Horn of Africa /Kenya, are known in all, capable, and of walking into the place, and simply taking over that is [that in all, Amy Grant, does in all represent a Dramatization, and that is suitable and for the Horn of Africa and in speak of Civility too, and as with it all even referring, and to speak in all, and of the Misrepresentation of many a person, and before their being dominated/colonized in all, but that in all ways even, speak of those who do believe that Kenya in all, can follow in Development that is, and alongside speak of South Africa too, is to then in all tell one that, Dramatization in all, and in South Africa too, does speak and of Wilson Philips and 'Hold On' for instance (and alongside speak that is, and of South Africa, and as said to refer and to the 'Rainbow Nations' that is)].

Baby, Baby:

Hold On:

Thursday 7 August 2014

the Assembly

the National Assembly.

The (Kenyan) National Assembly, and as with it all even going along, and with speak of what does constitute and for the Legit/Legitimacy, and in the Horn of Africa too, and as with it all even referring, and to speak of National Amenities that is.




Progeny, Religion and the Horn of Africa:

Which in all, or what too perhaps, can be said and to be the most simplest or basic, and of Religion, and for those in the Horn of Africa too [and as with it all even said, and to speak of the very belief that, those in the Horn of Africa, are simply said to only practise Religion, and that does speak of Possessive states that is]. 

In many a way though, and in speak here and of those truly obsessed and with speak of Security and in the Horn of Africa (and as very much said Evolutionary too), does speak in all perhaps, and of society/life, and as said truly grounded in all, and in speak of Perception that is. That this in all, does actually speak and of Religion and as said to truly in all, speak of Dogma (and further speak and of a 'False Truth' that is), but speak in all again, and of referring to it all, and in base manner, and that does in all speak, and of life and as lived, and in speak of formulating Perception, and as with it it all even, and in taking it all and from a Horn of Africa Context too, speaking in all truly, and of Allowances for instance [and in Behaviour too that is]. In all, many a period of Time perhaps, spent, and in truly Re-Evaluating, what one does believe to be true/important (Muhimu), and such that, any life lived out in all, is said to define one, and in not only Physiognomy, but in Disposition truly, but that in all ways even, it all does speak of life, and as going along and with speak of Re-Incarnation too, and further speak even and of paying for ones sins, and in the next lifetime that is.

Monday 4 August 2014

Social Circles

Social Circles.

Social Circles, and as with they often associated and with speak of Intimacy (and further speak of Social relations and as said of the Egyptian tradition), and as versus those said to speak of Acquaintanceship [and speak too, and of Social relations in all, and as very much said Arab/Iraqi too that is].

In the Horn of Africa and as a region too, speak in all, and of Social Circles, and as truly defined in all again, and in speak of the Middle Nature of Man that is [Link] [or speak in all, and of the believed said Tendency, and of those in the Horn of Africa, and to simply betray each other, and at just about any given moment too that is][and further speak and of the Swahili term 'Kuchelewesha' too that is].

Saturday 2 August 2014

Media Consumption

Media Consumption.

To speak of Media Consumption, is to in all ways even, speak of ones Upbringing in all, and Localized/Local Media, and in the Horn of Africa and as a region too. It in all ways even, speaks of Public Media for instance, and as said having failed to reached its Audience, and speak furtherly even, and of those who do use Public Media, and in raising Awareness (and speak even and of a Public Fundraising for instance), but as failing in all, and in their endeavours that is. 

In all, what does drive Media Consumption?  Other than speak in all, and of the reasons given below, many another factor, can be included:

Media consumption or media diet is the sum of information and entertainment media taken in by an individual or group. It includes activities such as interacting with new mediareading books and magazines; watching television and film; listening to radio; and so on.[1][2] The principles to be an active media consumer include capacity for skepticism, judgement, free thinking, questioning, and understanding.[3]

In many a way, Media Consumption, and  as going along and with Localized/Local Media, and as said speaking of Uniformity, Perfectionism and the Fitting/Neutrality in all, and further speak too in all, and of Individual perceptions and as said defined and as just stated in the above sentence, but that in all ways even, Localized/Local Media, and as going along, and with speak of Psychological Health and in the Horn of Africa and as a region too, but that in all ways truly, speak of many an Educational or Law Initiative, and as furtherly speaking and of the Church in Kenya for instance, and as failing in their ways, and very much due to their not understanding Media Consumption, and as said a key part in all, and of Localized/Local Media that is, but speak of it all, and as going along and with Orality, and Ancestral Spirits in all too that is [and further speak too in all, and of Determination, and as said in all, and to be a part of Identity creation (and as going along and with speak of Ancestral speech too), and in a Post-Colonial / Post-Independence Horn of Africa that is].

Media Consumption:

Friday 1 August 2014



The Fable, and in the Horn of Africa and as a region too.