Saturday 10 May 2014

New Media

New Media.

Attitudes and the Horn of Africa:

To speak of Attitudes and the Horn of Africa, is to not only speak of self/Self-Confidence in all, but in many a way truly, speak even and of Attitudes in all today, and as very much said Racialized that is [and as versus their being Institutional or Opinionated in nature too for instance]. 

To better understand all this, is to perhaps even speak of just whom those in the Horn of Africa in all, are, and as with regards even, and to speak of Global, International or Worldly Images too that is. In all that, to speak of the Racialized in all again, does speak even and of some and as said Racist, and others and as said Racialist too in all that is.

To speak of being Racist in all, is to speak of one and as with regards to speak even and of the Stereotypical and the Discriminatory too. To speak though and of one and as said a Racialist in all, is to speak even and of one and as said Exclusionist in their ways, and as with regards even, and to what one does like and not like, and all this too, and as perceived even and from speak and of taking advantage of another, or speak even and of simply enjoying oneself perhaps, and at anothers expense/'ignorance' too in all actually.

To speak though and of New Media in all, is to in all again, speak even and of just whom those in the Horn of Africa are, and as with speak even and of the present day in all, and as with regards even perhaps, and to Racialized Attitudes in all again. In all ways even, this does speak in all and of just how we do define the Approximate, the Proximate and even Proximity in our lives that is. In all ways too perhaps, this does also speak of measurement in all again, and as taking the very form of 'weighing in' ones chances or opportunes too that is.

In all, New Media and as going along even and with the International, Global or Worldly, does not speak and of associating oneself, and with many a Depiction of life in all [and as with speak even and of certain said desirable scenarios or even scenes too], but in all ways even, speak even and of freeing the Individual in all, and from all forms even, and of Regression too [Suppression, Repression and Depression in all that is] [and as with it all viewed even, and from speak even and of the Approximate, the Proximate, and even Proximity in itself too that is].

In all, all this is left and to those in the Horn of Africa, and as with regards even and to the developing of such Media on their own [and as with further speak even of YouTube and as basically helping here in all perhaps], but that in all ways even, a basic example of this, does speak even and of the Village Market Mall in Nairobi too for instance.