Thursday, 15 May 2014

The Mud

The Mud.

Those living in the Horn of Africa in all, and as region too, do know that, the region in many a way, does have a problem, and as with regards to Mud that is. That when it does Rain in all again, and in the Horn of Africa too, most in all, don't truly know just how in all perhaps, to truly Identify, and with the Mud that does spring up that is [and as with it even not similar to other Mud found/seen out there, and as with it in all again, Mud, one could very well best call Matope that is].

In helping those in the Horn of Africa know themselves as such in all, is to perhaps in all again even, speak of a psychological/psychic condition, and that does often show/spring up, and amongst those in the Horn of Africa too, and as having to do and with ones perceptions in all, and of Authority/God that is: Dementia [and as with the basic belief in all that, and amongst those in the Horn of Africa too, that Dads/Fathers are loving people, while Mothers in all, are said inconsiderate that is]. In all again, Authority/God, and as said to speak in all too even, and of just how we do define Meaning in all, and in our lives too that is [and as with basic speak even, and of just how we do perceive roles, duties and responsibilities in all again, and as with regards even and to Family too that is].

To speak of Dementia in all though, and in the Horn of Africa, is to in many a way even, speak of it all going, and with speak of Mud/Matope that is [that most in all, do tend in all again, and to enter into a similar state to that seen/found with Dementia, and when asked in all perhaps, and to deal with Matope/Mud, and when it does show up that is].

In many a way again, and as referring to the phrase, 'throwing Mud at others', is to in many a way even, speak of Authority/God, and Meaning too, and in the Horn of Africa, and as associated in all, and with the very act of Reminiscence that is [and as with it even said a Spiritual tradition too in all]. In all again, Reminiscence, and as often truly believed, to be at the very back even, and of just how those in the Horn of Africa, do perceive Authority/God, and as with regards even and to finding Meaning in ones life [and the very fear too in all, and of having ones Memory tainted that is].