Thursday 28 November 2013

Local Media

Local Media.

To speak of Local Media and the Horn of Africa too, is to in many a way even, speak of it today, and as coming to be strongly defined even, and by Entertainment in itself too actually. In many a way though, there is another way of looking at Local Media in the Horn of Africa (and as with speak even of small towns in the Horn of Africa too), and as truly even, coming to define in all Policy (and especially Social Policy too), and in many a small town in the Horn of Africa, and as compared to speak simply, and of being Entertained in itself too that is.

Monday 18 November 2013



The Horn of Africa.

White Mischief

White Mischief.

White Mischief, and as very much in all, a tale, and that does speak of the very origins of Siasa (Political/State Affairs), and in the Horn of Africa too [and as with this all even, speaking of many a Political Assassination, and that has in many a way even, plagued Kenya, and from the Colonial times, and to the Current times too that is].

Tuesday 5 November 2013



Is there a general way to Mythologize life, and in the Horn of Africa too? This in many a way, does speak of most in the Horn of Africa, viewing everyday life and as with speak even of all forms of success, and in the form of finishing, ending, closing or even completing things in all. While all this does speak even of planning things out in all again, it is believed though, that a better way of mythologizing life, does speak in all too even, and of seeking out personal transformation in everything one does, and as with this even speaking of seeking out Contentment that is [and as with this even, simply speaking of thinking about things in all, or planning things out, and as with regards to levels of satisfaction that is, and as with this furtherly even speaking of taking breaks for instance, and as based around satisfaction too that is] [in many a way, this does speak of solving a problem, and not from the end result in all (and as with speak of lots of money for instance), but in all ways even, from the levels of satisfaction to be attained that is (and as with stating that, having only two pieces of spicy chicken in all, might be more satisfying in all again, and as compared to eating a whole pizza that is)].

Monday 4 November 2013



What does constitute of Prayer in all, and as with speak even of life, and as lived around Media too that is. For the Horn of Africa in all, and as with speak of Media too actually, it does in all again actually, speak of Authenticity in all that is. In all again, it does speak of just how in all, everyone in the Horn of Africa, is actually bound to each other. That in all again, those in the Horn of Africa must admit to the fact that, they do all know each other in all, and as with speak even of News Media in itself too actually. The question though remains, how best to create differing factions between each other, how though to still know each other somewhat, and in all ways even, speak even and of not only how one is bound to others in group formations, but in all ways even, all this truly speaking of how one does perceive themselves, and as being Individuals too that is.

In all ways even, all this does also speak and of just whom those in the Horn of Africa are, and as with speak even of outsiders to the Horn of Africa too [and as including those in Kenya and Ethiopia, and who do live traditional lifestyles that is], but in all ways even, all this speaking of just how those in the Horn of Africa, should represent themselves on the World Stage too, and as with speak even of many a person in the Horn of Africa, introducing Cultural elements into the Horn of Africa, that many might not approve of that is [and as with this even leading to the breaking apart, of many a Social/Group formation in all, and as including Marriages too, and due to just how in all again, those in the Horn of Africa, do define Secrecy that is] [that Authenticity in the Horn of Africa, does in many a way if not all, speak of Secrecy, Mystery and even Privacy too]

In reality, who can be said to truly represent the Horn of Africa in all, and as with speak even of being Sacred in all, Divine and even Sacrosanct too that is.

Popular Media

Popular Media.

What they do call 'Popular Media' in al, might be of great interest and to those in the Horn of Africa too. For 'Popular Media' in all, does not actually deal with issues of Gender, Race, Age and Class actually and as most do believe, but that in all ways even, it truly speaks of questioning, what does constitute Power, Might and Authority, and in society or the Horn of Africa too that is. That 'Popular Media' in all, is often truly associated only, and with Youth/Teen cultures, when in reality, it does exist in the Adult world, and as with speak even of Exclusive restaurants in all, and even Exclusive relationships too that is.

In many a way in all, 'Popular Media' in itself, actually does speak of the History of Somalia, and as with speak even of Clan-like formations in Somalia, and violent encounters between them too, arising via 'Popular Media' in all again, and not the politics in all, and that do go along with Caste-like systems/formations that is [and as with Somalis Clan-like formations too, falsely believed Caste-like in all, when in reality, they in all again, did very much arise, and due to 'Popular Media' in all that is].

'Popular Media' and the Horn of Africa:
[Return of the Mack]

Saturday 2 November 2013

The Market Economy

The Market Economy.

When we do seek to live life and as around Media too, we are in many a way even, speaking of many an Instability issue actually, and when it does come to how in all, we do envision Economies that is. That in all ways even, speak of Stable Economies in all, and as with speak even of living lives and as based around Media too, does pose many a challenge, and in how we do define Stability that is [and as with speak even truly, and of changing tastes, and when it does come to Food and especially Drink for instance]. In all ways even, this does speak simply perhaps, and of Agriculture in itself actually (how to participate in it), or even truly again, speak of the very fact that, Media oriented lifestyles in all, do in many a way even, call even perhaps, and for a change, and in the tools or equipment we do actually use that is [and as with speak even, and of changing food habits in all, and from eating Grilled Steak for instance, and instead seeking out Fried Chicken too actually].

To simplify all this perhaps, is to perhaps in all again, speak of the Market Economy actually. To make this even more clearer or simpler in all, is to perhaps in all again actually, speak of Black Markets in all truly. In all ways even, a challenging question to those in the Horn of Africa, and as with stating that, in coming to live lives and as based around Media in all, and even becoming somewhat attached/addicted to them actually [and as with speak even of Media lifestyles having risen to great heights and then collapsing too], speaks in many a way even, and of Political organization, and as based around Organized Crime in itself actually.

Friday 1 November 2013

The Prince of Darkness

The Prince of Darkness.

Law & Order, and speak even of Evolution and societies too, and in the Horn of Africa that is.



For those living in the Horn of Africa, a problem perhaps, and as with regards even to just how in all, to best deal with Health issues that is. That in many a way, Health in the Horn of Africa is still very much approached, and from the very perspective of Blood issues actually, and speak even, of Bodily Resistances in all, and to many an Infection that is. A better way though it is believed, and of thinking of Health in the Horn of Africa, does lie in all, and as with speak even, of Bodily Glands that is [and at the very least even, this speaking even, and of many a person in the Horn of Africa for instance, having a Sweating Problem actually].