Monday 21 April 2014


of Urogi.

Provincial Identities and the Horn of Africa / Kenya:

The term Urogi, is known to many a person in Kenya, and as said even to speak of Witchcraft in itself. This is not especially true, and as Urogi in many a way, does speak even and of just how many in Kenya perhaps, and as ethnographic in their ways too, do seek to form (and not create truly either), Identity that is: and as with all this even speaking of Language, Communications and even (Political) Strategy too.

The above book by the late Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, does not in all ways even speak of Kikuyu culture, but does actually in all, speak of the Taita people [and of Taita Tevata too], and also Taita culture in itself in all. In all again perhaps, Kikuyu culture and as said similar to Kamba culture or even Meru culture too, does speak even and of borrowed elements, and from Taita culture that is.

What though is Urogi? It simply said in all, is actually simply in all again, a 'Way of Knowing' something in all, and which in all again does speak of Intuitive thought, and as versus Rational thought too that is. In all, something to truly ponder about, and as it is believed even that, those who do use Intuitive thought and in Kenya too in all, do fare better, and as compared to those who do use Rational thought, and as with all this even truly speaking of just how in all, to best speak of Institutional and Infrastructural Design and in Kenya too that is.

In all again something to truly contemplate, and as with regards even and to speak and of just what does constitute and for Education in Kenya, and as with speak even of the huge unemployment rates in all, and that many Schooling Graduates in Kenya do face that is.

In all again, that famous song and by Joseph Kamaru, Mumunya, and as very much even a Taita song, and which in all even does speak of Urogi in itself actually.