Tuesday 15 April 2014



To speak of Officialism and the Horn of Africa as a region, is to also speak of it as a kind of Media perhaps, and which in all ways even and as with regards to speak of Kenya in itself too perhaps, has come in many a way to speak of defining Identity in Kenya in all too really, and as with regards to Security concerns in many a way actally [or speak even of ones Future, or in many a way too perhaps, the losing in all of ones perks in life too and so to speak that is][and as with basic speak even, of finding ready assistance and when needed actually].

In all, to in all again find life in Kenya or the Horn of Africa easy in all, one has to be acquainted and with the Official cultures [Officialism], and to be seen in the place that is. In many a way too though, all this does speak even and of the world of Corruption and Bribery and in the Horn of Africa too actually.

To put all this another perspective, is to speak of Officialism, and even Official cultures and as seen in Kenya, and as a cause in many a way, and in speak of 'a pain in the back' perhaps, and in former President Moi's Government too in all. This in many a way even, does actually speak of the role of the Church, and in Kenya or the Horn of Africa too that is. That the Church in Kenya, widely varying in its ways even and as with it all not well regulated, has very much developed its own Official cultures [or Officialism too], and which in many a way has sidetracked perhaps, Kenya's attempts to develop in a certain so said manner, and as with Development in Kenya and as with speak even of Education in itself, known in many a way to be grounded and in Officialism in itself too actually [and as versus speak even of having a Laissez Faire attitude to life in Kenya, and which does in many a way work in all and for those obsessed and with speak of self-interest in all too, and as with further speak even of the Kenyan Cowboy for instance]. However though, such Laissez Faire attitudes to life in Kenya, do in many a way even pose a threat in all, and to just how Kenya does Develop, and as with furtherly stating that while Government Officialism in Kenya does speak even of the Windsor Golf & Country Club in Nairobi for instance [first Image posted above], the Church in Kenya in many a way, has posed a threat to Development in Kenya [and as with it even not speaking of the Windsor Golf & Country Club in Kenya too], but as with regards even to the Church and as gaining a stronghold in Education in itself, it in all again putting forth perhaps, many an Official culture [and as with the Church in Kenya too rather diverse in its ways], and Officialism too in all, and as said even to go and with speak of Private Enterprise too, and which has resulted in many a person not too serious in their ways that is [that in all again, those in Kenya and who do possess Laissez Faire attitudes and towards life, are in many a way more productive in all, and as compared in all too even, and to those perhaps who have been Indocrinated, and in Officialism, and as put forward by the Church in Kenya too that is] [and as with this Officialism even, speaking of the Village Market Mall for instance, and the latter Image posted above too, but with it in all again, actually speaking of Official cultures and that do go in all, and with those not actually seriously minded that is].

In all, and due to the Church in Kenya in many a way, Private Enterprise and as having failed in many a way in Kenya, and as with speak even of the Laissez Faire in Kenya and as regulated by Government more productive in their ways, while Success and as said going with the Church in Kenya today, does even speak of NGO's, and as compared to the Government in Kenya, and which does prefer for those involved in any Enterprise in Kenya, to be Self-Reliant in most ways actually [and under the Guidance of Government too, and as with regards even to speak of Officialism in all actually].

In all, speak in all ways even and of just how to have the Church in Kenya Reform itself, and as with regards to Officialism too, and as with the Church in Kenya said in many a way to appear in all and in attempting in all again, and in finding an Identity said Kenyan or African too, and as with regards even to speak of Officialism, and as versus speak even of having Rome/Italy for instance, speak to them and as with regards to all this [that the Church in all must agree that its culture of handing out Donations and to the poor in the slums, has not yielded many a fruit for instance].

The Laissez Faire and Kenya: