Thursday 24 April 2014

The Gender Divide

The Gender Divide.

To speak of the Gender Divide and the Horn of Africa, or Kenya in particular too, does in all ways even refer to the known fact that, when Women and Men in the Horn of Africa in all, do mingle or mix with each other in many a way, the end result is more or less what some do term a 'useless experience' that is.

In many a way, this does speak even of the letter A and as used even and as a preffix perhaps, and when referring to many an Ethnic group in Kenya, and as now said even somewhat truly Tribal in their ways that is [and as with the example even of Ajaluo, Agikuyu, Ameru, Abaluyhia or even Akamba too].

For it is with the Agikuyu, and where one does find that the Gender Divide in all, does speak even and of Mens and Womens Rituals, and with the most known of these, being the Muugithi dance/ritual, and as seen amongst Agikuyu Women too that is. To speak of the Akamba, is to in many a way even, speak even and of Men and Women and as attempting to define/divide themselves in all, and in speak even of Men's occupations, and Womens's occupations too, but with all this even disastrously turning out and in speak even and of just what Occupations out there, are truly only Akamba in all [but with the Akamba people in all again, known to divide themselves and as Men and Women, and as based around speak of Song/Kilio that is]. To speak of the Ajaluo, or even the Luo people and as said even rather Civil but also truly Uncivil, is to in many a way even basically speak of two levels of Luo society, one Jaluo in all [and speak even of Tero Buru], and the other Ajaluo perhaps, and which in all ways even does attempt to divide/define Men and Women, and as based around speak of language & speech, and in many a way even, speak even of Manly language & speech, and Womanly language & speech too. It is however amongst the Abaluhyia, and where in all again, one does find the popularly known manner in Kenya in all, and of dividing Men and Women, and as based round speak even of Media in itself, and such that Women in all do associate themselves with certain Media [and as including speak even and of not only Womens Magazines for instance, but also speak of Womens Colleges/Institutes in Kenya too], and with Men on the otherhand, known to associate themselves and with a differing Media [and as with it even said traditionally, and to speak of the Mainstream in all that is].

In all though, most Kenyans are very much like the Abaluhyia and as with regards to all this [and as with speak of those said simply Western in all], but with an interesting scenario arising and amongst Brown skinned Kenyans in all and who do define themselves basically as Urbanites too, and as very much creating a Gender Divide, and that is in all Ajaluo in all too actually.

In all though, Men and Women in Kenya, and as now said interacting with each other, and as with regards to speak of Security [and as including Insecureness too], and also many a Support Mechanism in all, but with the very fact that Kenya today in all, does in many a way create Gender Divides in all again, and as very much Abaluyhia too, but with the proliferation of all kinds of 'unhealthy' Media so to speak, leading in many a way even, and to discombobulated in all, ways or manners, and by which Men and Women in Kenya do view Security and Support Mechanisms too that is [and as with the greatest danger faced by those in the Horn of Africa and as with regards to this, speaking even, and of becoming Desolate in all] [meaning in all again, speak of someone rather desperate in their ways, and a person and as unknown to most, actually volatile or even rather violent even, and when triggered too, and desperate people in all again, not in all wishing to seek out any kind of help that is].

In all, a stark problem in all again so to speak and that does still face the Horn of Africa and especially Kenya too in all, and as with speak even of most Kenyan Men for instance, simply wishing to befriend Women in all, not said Kenyan in most ways actually [and all this too, and as blamed in all again, and on the popularization of all kinds of Media in Kenya, and that is simply contaminating in nature that is].

The Gender Divide: