Friday 25 April 2014

Codes vs. Categories

Codes vs. Categories.

Post-Modernism and the Horn of Africa:

To speak of Codes and Categories, is to in all ways even basically speak of just how the Horn of Africa in all, is actually 'Run' (and as with speak even of Administration too), and not Managed truly either. That in all, the Modern/Western World in all again, does see with it, a rise in the use of Categories (and the categorizing of Humans too), and all this even and as basically said to speak of ones (Work) Background, Ethnicity and even Ancestry too, and as with it all going along and with a Grading Scheme of a kind [and further speak even of Schematics too], and Grading too in all, and that does go along and with talk of Western Hegemony in all again, and as said referring even, and to speak of Technique in itself too actually [and those in all again, said superior or inferior as such that is][and all this too, and as referring and to what does stand for Empowerment, and in the Western World today too in all].

The above though, and as with further speak even of Schematics, has led in many a way, and to problematic societies and as ruled over and by what can basically be termed Racial attitudes in all [and as with they even supported and by Western Media too], but that in all again, the very use of Coding, and as with it even speaking of using Archetypal Images and to judge Humans in all, and which at the very least and as with regards to Kenya, speaking of Kenya today, and as now even said to have the know-how in all, and as with regards to define itself and its peoples, and as based around speak of Packaging too that is. In all again, all this and as posing as a major challenge and for our Times too, and as with speak even and of what some do term the Deconstructing of ones Mind in all, and in attitude too at the very least, and from Western Stereotypical Images, and of anyone said not Valuable or Worthwhile in all and by the Western World too that is.