Friday, 11 April 2014



Most in the Horn of Africa, might just know of life and from the very perspective of what the Swahili for instance do term Mateso, Masaibu, Mawazo etc. In many a way, all this does speak even of viewing life and from the very perspective of Healings in all (Emotional too), and as with it all even speaking of viewing Life's possibilities and from speak even of Recovery, Repair or even Restoration too that is.

In all, when one does view Life as above, one does find that there are those who do simply speak of Healing in itself [and as with further speak of Time too], and as with Time even said to help one recover, or simply repair one, or even restore one too that is. There are those though who do speak of Cleansings and as with regards to the above, and in all ways even, it all actually does speak and of one not truly knowing themselves after such a Cleansing, and as in having to start anew in all actually.

While the above does speak of just how those in the Horn of Africa do deal, and with many a pain or pang too that is, one does find that there is a third way of viewing all this, and which does speak even of Erasure too [and the Erasing of ones Memory in all, and in an instant fashion too that is], and which in all ways even does associate Human Behaviour, and with certain Genes too, said found even in many another Animal and such as a Mouse, a Dog or even Dinosaurs too, and which in all again does speak even of the ability to Recover, Repair or even Restore ourselves, and in an almost instant fashion too [and as with speak even and of those who do actually throw stones at Cats for instance] [and all the above too, and as written from the very perspective of an Awakening that is].