Wednesday 23 April 2014

Famous Kenyans

Famous Kenyans.

The above three Images in all, do in all again actually speak of Kenya, and as with regards to its African Identity. That Kenya in all, can be said to be African, Non-African or even Un-African too.

To speak of the above descriptors in all though, African, Non-African and even Un-African, does speak even of defining Kenya, and from the perspective of Speech & Language in itself. That those said African, and such as the Late Tom Mboya too, do in all ways even possess Speech & Language, and that does speak of Eloquence in the very least, while those said Un-African, and as including those said even to be of Asian (and not Indian in particular), Parentage or descent, do in all ways even possess Speech & Language and that does speak of being Articulate [and speak even of Ngugi wa Thiong'o too], while those said to be Non-African, do in all ways even possess Speech & Language, that does speak of being Erudite in all [and as with speak even of JM Kariuki, or in many a way too, those who do ascribe and to Islamic/Western mindsets in all, and in Kenya too that is].

In all again, the above speaking of Wealth Disparities and as often presented and in speak of the Rich, the Middle Class and even the Poor in Kenya, and as with the Rich very much African, the Middle Class very much Un-African, and the Poor very much Non-African too.

In all though, this all speaking even and of Opportunity in Kenya, and as with it even said to speak of Corruption and Bribery in Kenya that is, and not speak of making Opportunity for oneself in all, and as with regards even and to speak of Kenya's African Identity that is [or Kenya as very much a part of African Heritages at the very least, and as including speak of the Jomo Kenyatta International Conference Center for instance].