Somali Heritages and Somali Leadership:
To speak of Somaliland, is to in all ways even mention in all that, they are the friendliest in all, and of all Somali peoples too that is [and as with they even the Somali peoples in all, to be found in Kenya that is].
In all, Somaliland does arise, and as based around speak of Somali Heritages too actually. That in all, Somali Leadership and speak even of Somalia and as lacking proper Government in all, does speak even of the fact that, before one does define themselves and as a Somali Leader too (and further speak of Authenticity in all) one very much has to present themselves, and from speak even of Somali Heritages too that is [in all again, one as said to have a more developed Somali Heritage, and as compared to other Somali peoples too that is].
In many a way, one does then find that, Somali Politics are very much entangled and in the very lives of Somali women, and as it is Somali women in many a way and who do determine just what does passes for Authentic Somali culture/behaviour that is [and all this too, and as speaking even of the very fact that, Somali Heritages in all, do actually speak of Somali languages, and as the primary definers in all and of Somali Heritages too, and languages in all again, and that do speak of Somali Women in all actually].
In all ways though, knowing Somalia as above, perhaps in all again the very attempt and by the Somali Leadership, to define themselves and as based around Somali Clerical Dress too [and that which is not Saudi either], and in the attempt perhaps, to forment a Somali Leadership, and which does not have to deal and with the troubling issue of the Politics of Language in Somalia, and as with regards to Identity, Authenticity, and as expressed even, and via speak of Somali Heritages too that is.