Sundowner, and as with it in all again, a rather well known Radio program and on VOK/KBC Radio too that is, and which in all again did actually, speak of the kind of Radio Programming, and that did go in all again and with the world of BBC Radio, the Voice of America, and even RFI (Radio France International) too. In all ways though, the kind of Radio Programming, and that did in many a way even go with Identity in Kenya in all, and as centered around Cultural Centers or Institutes too, and as with it all even merging and with the very world of Tourism in Kenya, Diplomatic service, the popularization of Sweden/Scandinavia, and finally in all again, speak even of the Swimming Pool and as said even somewhat commonplace in Kenya too that is. In all again, life and as lived out or said experienced in all, and in speak of Time Segments too, and not Time Periods either that is.
Sundowner (and with the Late Nzau Kalulu):