Friday 18 April 2014



The above two Images posted, do speak in all and of Arab Architecture/Architectural Design in Kenya [and with the latter being the Medina Palms in Kenya/Watamu too], and in many a way even do also speak and of just what does constitute for Kenyan Architecture, and outside Manyatta inspired Designs too that is. In many a way too, this also speaking of Architecture and such as the Holy Family Basilica, and which in all ways even is classified as Ki'ingereza in all [and as with it even somewhat in all truly speaking of Italy/Britain too], and further speak in all ways even that, most and if not all Kenyan Coat of Arms [Link], are actually of Ki'ingereza origins too that is [and all this too, and as with regards to speak of those in Kenya, and who do identify strongly even, and with Kenyan Coat of Arms for instance].

In all, all this speaking of the unknown History of Nairobi/Kenya in all again, and as with it even said to speak of Arab, Britain and even Maasai/Indigenous cultures [Link], and as with regards to Architectural/Infrastructural Design that is [and as with it all even not British either that is]. 
