Monday 28 April 2014

The African Union

The African Union.

To speak of the African Union, and as with regards even and to the Horn of Africa / Kenya, is to in all ways even speak of just what place in all, the Horn of Africa, does have and in African History too that is. That in all, most never do truly define the Horn of Africa, and as part of Africa and as a Continent too, but instead have often opted in all too even, and in connecting the Horn of Africa, and to the Swahili Coast, and the Middle East too, and as with the Horn of Africa here, perceived even, and as a Landmass too that is [that the Horn of Africa in all, and as a Landmass, is in all again similar and to the Middle East in its ways that is].

In all again though, conflicting attitudes in all, and as with regards to the creating of Identity in the Horn of Africa, and as with speak even of those in Kenya and who do view Kenya in all, and as part of Africa as a Continent [and as with this even speaking of Ki'ingereza in itself actually], but that in all ways even and as with regards to the AU in itself, all this even speaking of just how best to record and document Kenyan History in all for instance, and as it is believed in all even that, viewing Kenya/The Horn of Africa and as Landmass, does appear in all and to speak of Kenya or the Horn of Africa, and as not having a proper History in itself actually.

To make all this clearer, and as with regards to just how Kenya does connect to Africa in all and as a Continent too, is to in all ways even speak of just how History in all, has been recorded in many a way, and through the Times. That it was the Egyptians in all, and that did speak of History and from the perspective of History, the Historical and the Historic too, while the Greeks on the otherhand, did perceive History and from speak even of Historia in itself actually. It was Italy in many a way though, and that did speak of History and in the form of the Histories, while the term Histoire, believed in many a way French, does speak even and of just how Ki'ingereza in all, or speak even of Britain/Italy in Kenya too in many a way, did record Kenyan History that is. In all, those in the Horn of Africa, and as said not having a concrete manner and of recording History [and as with speak even of the Horn of Africa and as said even a Landmass too], and as with further speak even of those in the Horn of Africa and as said Cultureless in many a way that is.

In all again, Histoire and as still remaining the most Valid of ways and of recording Kenyan History in all [and as with Kenya here said distinct even and from Ethiopia and Somalia too], and as with it all speaking even and of the fact that, CMC (Cooper Motor Corporation) and as found in Kenya too, was in all founded in 1912 [Link], but that in all ways even, not everyone in Kenya (or the World too), can be part of History in all perhaps, and as recorded in the form of Histoire, and without their realizing in all that, Kenya is in all very much a part of Africa too that is.

In many a way though, Kenya/Horn of Africa and as said a Landmass, attempting to speak of Kenyan History in all, and in speak of Histograms too for instance.

Kenyatta University: