Monday 16 June 2014

the Failed State

the Failed State.

Popularist Ideals and the Horn of Africa:

To speak of the Failed State and as with regards to speak of the Horn of Africa too, is to perhaps in all again refer, and to the very belief that, Kenya is actually truly worse off today, and as with regards to Human relations, and than it was in the Colonial Times/Period that is. In all, this and as referring even, and to the Horn of Africa and as said a region too, or truly and in all again, speak even and of Kenya (and even Ethiopia and Somalia), and as said a 'Black' Country too that is [and one said and as filled with people in all, and as said lacking in all too even, and in Intellect (and as with they said truly thieving in their ways), and when it does come, and to Community Organization too for instance].

In all, all this does speak even, and of what does constitute and for Ideals, and in the Horn of Africa too [and as with further speak here even, and of a Post-Independence Kenya, and as now filled with many an outsider, and who in Tabia (the Behavourial), are in many a way even truly Incompatible and with Kenyan Institutional Identity,and as compared to those said truly Kenyan in all, and who in all ways even do in all mostly live, and in a Post-Colonial Kenya too that is], but that in all ways even, Ideals and the Horn of Africa, does not only speak of Social Psychology (Link), but that in all ways too really, it all does refer and to speak even and of what is truly believed a Basic and Civil Psychology, and that did in all constitute and for society in Colonial Kenya too for instance, and as with it all said even Victorian too perhaps, and as with it in all again referring and to truly judging and adjudging oneself, and as with regards even and to speak of what in all, one is Linked, Connected, Attached, Tied, Bonded etc. to, and as with it even determining ones Behaviour, and when it does come and to Social Psychology too that is [and which does speak even and of Situational Analysis too actually].

In all, the belief that Colonial Kenya [and as compared to speak of Somalia and as an Italian Protectorate], was truly a segregative state and as holding racist sentiments to it all is not actually true, and as Ethnic/Tribal religion in Colonial Kenya [and as versus speak of Indigenous religion too], was in all ways even known as Fetishist in its ways actually [Link].

In all, the life story of Kuki Gallman, and as perhaps even helping propose the view that, Kenya as a Failed State, does have its basis in all, and in Fetishist beliefs, and as found in many an Ethnic/Tribal religion in Kenya [and as including speak of Secular Islam and Missionary Christianity in Kenya too], and which does falsely pass for African Religion that is [and as Fetishism in African religion, does basically speak even and of Names in all actually, and African Tongues and speech patterns too that is].