Wednesday 25 June 2014

The Country

The Country.

To speak of the notion of the Country, and as referring even and to the Horn of Africa or Kenya too perhaps, is to perhaps consider it all, and from two directions: one said Swahili, and the other and as existing under the former of the Kenyatta Regime that is.

That of the Swahili, does attempt in all, and to associate Country in Kenya in all perhaps, and with the Swahili term 'Ukaribisho' [or speak generally even, and of a culture of Welcoming others that is]. The other in many a way, does speak even and of Kenya or the Horn of Africa in all perhaps, and as viewed from speak of Topography, and speak even and of Nature in the Horn of Africa as a region, and as said Scenic in its ways too that is.

While the culture of Ukaribisho has in many a way, come to be afflicted or tampered in all, and by the changing nature of Media in Kenya/Horn of Africa [and as with it even speaking of Telecommunications and Communication systems in all again, and as including speak of Email and SMS too] [and all the above too, and as referring and to just how Knowledge or Information is dispersed around in all], the very world of Topography and Nature in the Horn of Africa as a region, does speak even and of Country and as said Cultured and rather Sociable / Socialite in its ways, and Knowledge or Information in all, and as freely even dispersed, and to those said rather civil/Cultured in their ways that is.

Videocassette Media in the Horn of Africa and the world of Ukaribisho:

Private Institutes/Clubs and Scenic Horn of Africa: