the 4K Club.
Social Cohesion and the Horn of Africa:
To speak of Social Cohesion in the Horn of Africa, is to in many a way even, refer, and to speak even and of Al-Shabab too for instance. The term/phrase '4K Club' on the otherhand, is known to have varied meanings to it, and with that most popularized in all perhaps, speaking of Kuungana, Kusaidia, Kufanya and Kenya too.
In speaking though of the above, and in terms too perhaps, that most do comprehend in all too even, is to not only speak of just how the Kiswahili Language has come to shape Identity in all, and in the Horn of Africa too [and as with further speak even and of terms and such as Akiba or Mali too], but that in all ways even, it is a Language often used, and in helping design perhaps, Parental structures of a kind too actually.
In all, Social Cohesion, and as truly speaking even of creating Identity, and that does go along even, and with ones 'Place of origins' too that is. A better understanding of all this, does call upon many a Swahili term in all, and which does speak of Vicheko (Humour), Damu (Blood), Manyovu (intellect) and even Maumivu (Pains). In all, Identity and as created and as just mentioned above, does speak in all even and of what some do term 'Individual Families' too, and further speak too even and of Identity and as primarily going along, and with speak of Attitude too that is [and further speak too of a Self-Discovery process, and as having to do and with Interests, and as with regards even, and to speak of a Horn of Africa, and as place in all, and as with regards to speak of Media too, and where one in all again is simply exposed, and to many a thing of Interest too that is].
In all, Identity too, and as truly speaking even, and of Bodily/Body Smells too that is.