Sunday 8 June 2014

African Ecologies

African Ecologies.

Modernity and the Horn of Africa:

To speak of Modernity in all, or even Modernization too, is to in all ways even speak of what some do term Western Technology. It in all though, is falsely believed to speak, and of an Age of Scientific Revolution, and as falsely said too even, and to originate in all, and with the so termed British Industrial Revolution that is

To speak of Modernity though, is to speak of Materiality/Materalism, and as said Western too, and as originating in many a way in all, and with speak even of Nazi Germany too (and further speak too in all again, and of the UZI too for instance), and as with the Nazi's too, very much technologically in all, actually Christian Knights (and such as speak even and of the Knights of Malta too that is) [and in all again, many a reference in all, and to speak even and of the History of the Crusades, and into the Middle East too that is]. Modernization on the otherhand, speaks of Western Materiality/Materialism, and as said more or less Upscale (and as with it all even finding Inspirations, and in American Materialism too), while Modernity on the otherhand, does speak even and of Materiality, and as said High-End too for instance [and such as speak even and of a Rolls Royce too actually]. In all again, speak even of Italian Materiality/Materialism, and as speaking even and of what some do term the Church-State in all actually.

However though, speak in all ways here even, and of African Ecologies, does speak in all, and of not only Nature/Ecology and as said similar in all again, and in the Horn of Africa too [and as versus speak even and of the rest of Africa too that is][and as with shocking one furtherly and in saying that, so called Temperate Climate, does exist to some extent, and in the Horn of Africa too that is], but that in all ways even, creating Identity and as based around speak of Nature/Ecology, does very much help in all again, and in truly defining/ordering in all, society,.and as based around speak of Technology too that is. 

To understand all this better, is to speak of Identity and in the Horn of Africa, and as strictly even said defined, and in speak of Childhood, Teenhood, Adulthood and even the Elderly, and as with it all even speaking of the experiences of Adolescence, and as said paramount even, and in helping one truly succeed in life that is [and as with truly knowing in all actually, the spiritual significance and importance, and of Adolescence too that is].

In all, Adolescence in all again, and as said speaking even of Ecology in all, both Nature and further speak of Human Bodily health too, and as very much influenced in all too even, and by the Ecology of Nature in all, but furtherly in all again, speak of one in all again, and as very much said Knowledgeable, and as with regards to speak of Order, and as seen in Nature too that is.