Monday 2 June 2014

Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement.

Indexes/Indicators and the Horn of Africa:

To speak of Indexes and Indicators in all, is to perhaps even associate them in all again, and with the UN (United Nations) Socio-Economic Indexes and Indicators too that is. The very use though and of Socio-Economic status, and in analysing or delineating, society in the Horn of Africa, has in many a way truly failed, and as with speak even of Slums and as still very much prevalent and in Kenya too that is.

To speak though, and of the Horn of Africa and from the very perspective of Indexes and Indicators, is to speak in all again, and of Socio-Political Identity, and as with it all even, speaking in all again, and of the Consolidation in many a way, and of a Wealth base too that is [and speak even and of Kikuyu and Indian Identity too, and in Kenya for instance].

In all though, speak in all and of Indexes and Indicators, does in many a way even truly speak of Law Enforcement, and not Policing truly either that is. That if one was to be fired ungratefully/unrealistically from ones Job, or even kicked out prematurely and from ones rental residence, whom in all then, would one call? That in all is what Law Enforcement in many a way, is all truly all about [and further speak even and of running out of gas/fuel, and while traveling for instance], and in many a way in all, most successful peoples in Kenya in all for instance, do deal with all this, and via speak even and of the Consolidation of Identity in all again [and as with it even said Socio-Political too], and via speak even of many a Cultural Institute in all perhaps, and as with further speak too, and of Church Groups in themselves that is.