Thursday 26 June 2014

Socialist Somalia

Socialist Somalia.

Socialist Somalia, and as said even arising in all, and with the very fact that, Somali History in all again, is said recorded in all perhaps, and in speak of Media too, and that does speak even and of Family Trees too that is; but that in all again, Somali life in all and as said highly Media driven, and from a Genealogical perspective, does in all again truly bring many a question, and to what does constitute and for Development and in Somalia in itself that is. 

That for Somalia, speak in many a way, and of Development and as said Local, Regional or National too, but with many a question arising and as with regards to Solidarity [and further speak even and of Somalis and as now seeking to redefine themselves, and after the so termed Anglo-Somali wars in all], seeking to find support and Solidarity too, and via speak even of befriending in all perhaps, Kenya, Yemen, Ethiopia or even Saudi Arabia too that is.

In all again, the Siad Barre Regime, and as attempting perhaps, to truly have Somalis, question just what in all, does stand for Development, and in a (strongly) Media driven Somalia that is [and as with it even said National, or Local, Regional (Greater Somalia) too that is]. In all again, the Siad Barre Regime and as facing opposition in a Somalia in all again,. highly driven and by Genealogical originating/oriented Media in all, and via speak in all again, and of Nationalist driven Media too that is [and which in all again, did see Somalia and as said dominated and by the Darood Clan in all, driven to Civil War that is].