Sunday 8 June 2014

Simba Imara

Simba Imara.

Worker Identities and the Horn of Africa:

Those in the Horn of Africa, and who in many a way too, do attempt to present themselves in all, and in speak of Credentials in all again, do in many a way even realize that, not all successful peoples in the Horn of Africa, do in all, create Identity, and as with regards even, and to placing an emphasis, and on Credentials too that is [and as with this all even, speaking in all, and of civilized Tabia too, and in the Horn of Africa too that is].

To better understand all this, is to speak even and of those who do create Worker Identity, and as based around speak of Communications protocols, and further speak too, and of knowing how to communicate in all, and as with regards even and to speak of Nomenclature, Terminology, Jargon, Eponyms etc. In many a way, those who do create Identity in the Horn of Africa as such, can truly be said in all, and to be amongst the Wealthy in all, and in the Horn of Africa too that is [and as furtherly speaking even, and of the known phrase 'Imara kama Simba' too].

However though, those in the Horn of Africa, and who do in all ways even, Identify, and with Post-Colonial Identities [and speak even and of Magazines and in the Horn of Africa too in general], and as versus Post-Independence Identities too [and speak even of Newspapers, and in the Horn of Africa too], do in all ways even realize that, many a person to be seen in the Horn of Africa, cannot be said in all, to be a Lawful citizen actually, and as with regards even, and to speak of Tabia too [and as with most of these peoples, coming into Kenya, specifically too, and from the very times of the BEAC (British East African Company), and in search of Work in many a way too that is]. 

Many of these persons in all, have found themselves living in Slums and Squatter Camps too, but unknown to most, they do in all actually possess Worker Identities, and that are not suitable for Kenya in all, but do in all again, go along and with many a said regional bloc in Africa, and such as the EAF [East African Federation; and not the EAC either], the SADC, IGAD, the AEC etc. (Link1 , Link2). In all perhaps, a pro-active role here and to be played and by Government in the Horn of Africa, and in helping resettle, many a person in a Kenyan Slum for instance, and as based around speak of Worker Identity in all, and as with furtherly stating that, this is where in all again, many a person said African looking but not African either [and at the very least too and from speak of Ethnography and Citizenship], does meet Africa in all again, but that in all ways even, many of these regional bloc, do in all ways even, appear somewhat Tanzanian perhaps, and in spirit too that is.