Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Symbiosis, Partnerships, Mutuality & Individualism

Symbiosis, Partnerships, Mutuality & Individualism.

Desperation and the Horn of Africa:

This posting in many a way, does have to do, and with speak of Stigma, Desperation and even Poverty too, and as seen in the Horn of Africa that is. In all ways, it does speak of the belief that, many a Well-to-do person and in the Horn of Africa, did in all and as some say, Tayarisha themselves, and in a Time when Kenya in all for instance, was said to be actually doing well. This in many a way too is not actually false, and as with the Belief in all that Wealth in Kenya, is in the hands of some, and that in all ways even, inorder for one to truly be enriched (and in Life's experiences too), one in all again has too in all, tap, and into many a Social network, and that will connect one, and to many of these Well-to-do groups that is [and as with all this even speaking of Kenya and as well Ordered in all, and in the 70's too perhaps, but in many a way too, speak of outsiders to Kenya and as now entering the place, does speak of Chaos & Disorder in the place, and the desire by many a said Investor to Kenya perhaps, and as not wanting to associate their products or services, and with a Chaotic Kenya too that is].

In all, what has made for the Seeking out in all perhaps, and of Life in the Horn of Africa? That it in all again, has led to many a Defeatist mentality in all, and as having to do and with speak of Stigma, Desperation and even Poverty too, and as arising in all again, and with one and as not viewing themselves, and as Social Successes that is.

The first of these, and somewhat Caribbean too actually, does in all again, speak of Symbiosis in all. A world too in all, and of said Cool friends and buddies in all again, and who in many a way might meet with each other, and in their differing Residences, and with much of an applause or activity too perhaps, and as with speak of friends who do greet each other and with much fanfare perhaps, lots of hugs, many a hello, 'long time no see', and finally in all again, might simply call each other and by abbreviated names and such as Catho (Catherine), Samo (Sammy), Pato (Patrick) or even Ero (Eric), and before settling into a trend setting couch, and to talk of their partying last weekend, their having passed their examinations with great grades and a good job and as said awaiting, or even simply talking of a new guy they are dating (and to a sound silence too in response perhaps), or even simply having in all again, Janet Jackson's 'Because of Love', and as playing on a Cool Stereo System of a kind actually. It is this group unknown to most, and as living life in their Teens and Adulthood too, and are said in all connected, and to many an outside group to Kenya too, and as with speak even and of their obsession, and with Kenya's Housing Real Estate industry too that is.

The second of these and as more popular in the 60's and 70's, speaks of many a person, and as having a great Idea perhaps, and as seeking out a Partnership with another, and of the Business and Research variety too [and speak even and of the history of Japan and Germany too, and in Kenya that is], and on finding someone to fund their project in all, and as with it even speaking of retaining ones Self-Esteem all the way, does speak in all ways though, and of Life and as said culminating, and in one and as finding themselves and in a Loving Relationship, a Great Family, and even many a Friend, and to keep one entertained, and with their not being too Judgmental in all, and of ones ways or manners that is.

The third of these, does speak even, and of Mutuality in itself, and tha did perhaps in all become rather popular in Kenya and in the decadent 90's in all, and as with speak too in all again, and of many a person, and as simply wishing to find someone they can truly place their Trust on, and in a Kenya, where criminal minded groups, and as said upraising even, Kalenjin Identity in Kenya, did in all even lead to the decaying or falling a part, and of many a said Responsible Family and in Kenya too, and as Kenyan society now does seem to experience corruption and bribery, and on an everyday basis that is. In all, speak of Kenya and as Developing today, does not sound truly believable in all, and as Mutualism, and as said rather Political too, is still very much the Modus Operandi in Kenya today, but as with it all even, outshadowed or overshadowed in all perhaps, and by many a person, and who does not believe in Mutualism that is [and as with further speak even and of basic Respectability, and on visiting someone too], and that in all ways even, it is believed in all that, Kenya has not changed much, and Socially too, and since the 90's that is.

Finally in all again, speak even and of Individualism, and further speak too perhaps and of those in all, and who do fear experiencing Setbacks in all again, and as with further speak here too perhaps, and of making it in life, and realizing perhaps in all again, it was not what in all, one did truly desire or want, and as with Life made miserable in all again, and by not knowing truly, what to truly seek out, and as with regards to Satisfaction, and as speaking even, and of Acclaim in itself actually [and as a Party Organizer too for instance].