Wednesday 15 January 2014

Work Policy

Work Policy.

There are those in all, and in the Horn of Africa too, who do struggle in all too even, and in getting the most mundane of tasks done that is. This could speak even and of simply having to find someone, and to paint ones house for instance. 

This post though, does deal with the problematic world, and of having to work in all, and in existences too, well defined by Media that is. That in all again, those who do live life and as based around Media in all, should in all ways even forget about becoming CEO or even General-Manager too that is [and as with these positions, do speak of being cultured in all, and as with speak even of being born, bred and raised English that is]. When you in all, choose to live life and as based around Media in all, and as with speak even of a good movie perhaps, one will then automatically realize that, attending formal schooling, and such as many a Business School in the Horn of Africa (including speak of the Strathmore Business School in Kenya), is in many a way a waste of time, as one will find the way of thinking that does go along with attending such a School in all, does not fit with mentalities in all again, and that do operate around Media that is [at the very least, it all does speak of Mindsets, and as with this referring even, to being a Private Scholar of a kind, and with more or less a Cultural Background to it all that is] [that in all again, even on attending a good Business School, one has to in many a way learn how to present themselves, and from their Cultural Background too, and as with this furtherly speaking even of comparing Historical Backgrounds and with a partner of choice in all, or in all ways even, speak of impressing ones business associate in all perhaps, and as with further speak even of having cultural connections in all, and to many a deemed powerful person/group perhaps][and as with the example of wanting to do business in Saudi Arabia, and presenting oneself in all, and as having a unique or interesting perspective of Sharia for instance].

For those in the Horn of Africa though, and who have dreamt of making it big in all, is to perhaps tell them that, when solving problems and via the use of Media (and as with speak even of pamphlets in all), or even the case of running an Institution in the Horn of Africa, or in many a way again, think of running a huge Business in all, but as based around Media oriented work lifestyles too in all, then in many a way, the study of the rise and fall of the British Empire, might be of interest, as it is one in many a way, that did create its Institutions in all, and as primarily based around Media too that is [and as with this basically speaking of not using logic really and when working out a deal, but in many a way in all, simply convincing another and in one way or another, to simply walk along with you, or follow you in all, and as in attempting to convince them in all truly even, to actually truly help you out that is] [that in all, doing Business in the Horn of Africa, does speak in all and of many a favour here and there that is].