Monday 27 January 2014


of African Citizenship.

Citizenship, Media & the Horn of Africa:

There are many in all, and who might have taken an interest, and in the Obama Presidency. In many a way, President Barack Obama, is simply presented and as with speak even of making America equal for all, and as with regards even, and to Opportunity too [and as with basic speak even, and of Healthcare benefits that is]. In all again, speak of equality and the Obama Presidency, also very much speaking of Trayvon Martin for instance.

In reality though, Obama's heated presidency in all, very much actually does appear to be speaking, and of defining Citizenship and in America that is [and as with Obama even, said to be passing many a law, to simply make America better actually]. In all ways even, the above book and as appearing very accusingly in all, and of Obamas Presidency, and as with even equating it all, and with a Thugocracy that is [for those who don't know what this means is to say that, a Thugocracy in all, does appear to attempt to define Citizenship, and along the lines of Eugenics actually].

In all, the Obama Presidency, and even the Media that has gone with it, of perhaps in many a way, a great interest, and to those in Somalia, and as with the 'War' in all, and in Somalia too, does not speak of Ethnic or Tribal warfare actually, but in all ways even, appears to truly speak of, and of attempting to define Citizenship, and as with speak even and of just whom the Ideal Somali Citizen is that is.