Tuesday 14 January 2014

The Recluse

The Recluse.

Many in the Horn of Africa, have been conditioned in all (and as with speak even and of being raised by a Parent in all), and in viewing themselves in all again, and as Losers, and when nobody cares to know them much that is. In many a way, this also does speak of just how Media in all, Western/Modern too, does view those who are excluded or isolated, and from society in general too: as Losers that is.

In all though, and to make this somewhat clearer, when one in all, is perceived as a Loser, and in the Horn of Africa too, one in many a way has many an issue, and as with regards to speak of Order that is [that Order in all, and in the Horn of Africa and as having life in it lived around Media in all, does speak even and of being acquainted and with many a person, and in all again so as to simply find out, just how to Order their lives in all, or even speak again, and of what is deemed in all perhaps, the 'Natural Order of things', and in society too that is] [that for instance, if saying 'Vipii' was considered standard greeting, things might have changed to saying 'Sasa' for instance]. In all, if one is out of the loop and as they say, then one in all will be said to miss out on life in general that is [and as with speak even and of not being present, and at an amazing or important occasion in all, and which was impromptu in its ways that is].

However though, those deemed Losers in the Horn of Africa, might in many a way find themselves, and as with speak even of putting their lives in Order, living lives and similar in all again, and to those dictated in all perhaps, and by Kenyan Gospel Music too for instance [Link] [and which is Music too, not too worthwhile in its ways actually]. In reality though, is to tell those in the Horn of Africa that, and as with they even conditioned/brainwashed in all, and in viewing themselves as Losers too, and when excluded or isolated from society in all, that a better or truly even more realistic way of viewing oneself., and as with simply changing ones mind and about oneself too, and not being to troubled and by what others think of you, is to in all ways even simply in all, have a change of mind and as with regards to whom you are, and simply define yourself, and as a Recluse too that is [Link].