Friday 24 January 2014



Those in the Horn of Africa, might truly have a big problem, and as with speak even of defining Individualism [and as versus Individuality too that is]. That in many a way, the best way in all and of speaking of Individualism in all, does speak even of Sincerity, but in all ways truly even, all this referring and to just whom we are in all, and as with regards to Prejudice, Bigotry, Racism and even basic Stereotyping too that is.

To understand all this better, is to speak of just whom we truly are, and as with regards to speak of Secureness that is. That in all ways even, this does speak of possessing in all, many a Psychological Complex, and such as basic speak even, and of the Inferiority and Superiority Complex that is. That for many in the Horn of Africa, and as with speak even of simply perceiving themselves and from the perspective of Sincerity, and even personal Prejudices, Bigotry and even Stereotyping in all, it all does simply take the form of possessing many an Inferiority or Superiority Complex that is [and as with all this furtherly speaking even, and of inhibitions in all, and as with regards to simply expressing oneself in all again, and in the presence of a parent too for instance, or even a distant foe actually]. In all though, and as with further speak even of Turmoil too, those in the Horn of Africa, do appear in many a way, to personally or individually even, and at almost all times of their lives too, simply deal with Superiority and Inferiority Complexes, and as basic Identity even, and in the Horn of Africa too that is [and as with stating that, in many another place in the World, on failing in something perhaps, personal too, one does not actually feel Inferior in all, but in many a way, does feel an Outsider actually (and as with speak even of exclusion that is)].

To understand all this better, is to speak of just how Complexes in all, are dealt with and in the Horn of Africa too: that in all, there are three ways this does happen, and as with they simply said Swahili, American, and Italian too.

To speak of the Swahili, and simply in all again how they in all, have come to shape or form basic Identity, and in the Horn of Africa, does actually speak in all, and of Privilege actually. That for those in the Horn of Africa, and especially Kenya and Somalia too, basic Identity in all, and as with it speaking even of Secureness that is, does speak in all ways even, and of heavily Identifying and with Family Name for instance, or even many a Schooling, Work or Private Institution too that is. In all, a way of defining basic Identity in the Horn of Africa, and as with speak of Secureness and discriminatory behaviour too, that has resulted and in a general culture of corruption and thieving in all, and as with those deemed Privileged in all again, simply able to very much do and as they please that is [Link].

To speak of the Americans, and the Horn of Africa in all, is to not in all ways even, speak of 'Black Hawk Down' for instance, but in all ways truly even, their coming to define Secureness, basic Identity and even the perceiving of discriminatory practises in all, and from the very perspective of Non-Governmental Organisations [NGO's], and such as USAID that is. That for most in the Horn of Africa, when they do think Secureness, Individualism and simply speak even and of dealing with many a Complex in all, they don't basically think that American NGO's [and only American], and such as USAID too, can help one deal with such issues that is [and as with truly even helping promote Human Rights, and in the Horn of Africa too that is] [Link].

While the above two ways of dealing with Secureness in all, have been derailed and with speak of terms and mentalities in all that is, and such as the term 'Wazalendo' [and which does speak even and unknown to many, and of Swahili peoples truly defining even, who is Kenyan or not], or even the term 'Kienyeji' too [and which does attempt to ask those in the Horn of Africa, to solve problems and only from a localized perspective/mindset in all, and as with not seeking out help, and from an outsider Knowledge Base in all that is] [and as with further speak even of American cultural influence and in the Horn of Africa, and as versus 'Kienyeji' too], there is a third way in all again, and of in all creating Secureness, basic Identity, and even speak of Sincerity and discriminatory behaviour too, and from the perspective of Intention and Personal Ethics that is [and as with all this even, very much Italian in its ways actually].

That in all, all this does speak of truly knowing even, whom People are [and from their Intentions that is], and as with speak even of defining Secureness, basic Identity and even Discriminatory views in all, and from Personal Ethics too, and as with further speak even that is, and of truly viewing oneself and others, and from Sincerity, Truthfulness and simply knowing the Truth in all, and about any situation too that is. In all perhaps, the works of Al-Ghazali, giving one a basic Knowledge even, and of Intention in itself [defining oneself and others as such], and as with this speaking even of viewing Secureness in all, and even discriminatory behaviour, and from others Intentions actually [and as with speak even of someone thieving in nature, deciding foolhardily, and in simply looking at others and ones environments, and in a wishful manner too perhaps][but still very much also, presenting themselves as rather Innocent that is].

In all, the above three, and as with helping Individuals in the Horn of Africa, not simply feel in all, Inferior actually [and not Losers truly either], and as with speak even and of despite what might happen to them that is [and as with the American route even, simply speaking of those wishing to start living life immediately, and as with the further belief that, life is meant to be a joy in all, and from the very first day on that is].

Intention (and Sincerity):