Saturday 11 January 2014

The Near-Death Experience

The Near-Death Experience.

Many in the Horn of Africa, do lives in all, and that can be said even, and to be filled with Despair that is. This in many a way does very much have to do, and as with speak even of inclinations in all, and towards seeking out Media oriented lifestyles that is, Despair in all again, and as with regards even, and to truly finding out, just what to do with ones life that is. That when one lives around Media in all, and as with speak even of relationships in the Horn of Africa, more Casual in their ways, and not truly Intimate either, life can easily even, become a bore that is. In all again, and when one does live a life and as based around the Casual in all, and as with further speak even of Media too, one might truly in all again find it rather difficult even, and to simply find the inspiration in all, and in seeking out any form of success too that is [and as with speak even, and of Enthusiasm in all, and as with regards to anything, not going well and with being Casual too that is].

For those in the Horn of Africa though, and who do wish to life to the fullest, and as with speak even of not actually defeating fear in all, but in all ways truly even, and of remaining as Enthusiastic as possible, and despite what does happen, one would have to know in all, and of the Near-Death Experience that is. To truly in all again, experience Enthusiasm and at its highest levels too, is to in all ways even perhaps, speak of undergoing the Near-Death Experience that is. That in all again, this does speak of something that will truly astound or amaze even, or even truly shock one in all that is, and in many a way awaken them, and not to being a Dreamer in all, but truly in all again a Believer actually, and as with further speak even and of not losing hope in all, and in any given situation too, and as with speak even of life and at its lowest levels in the Horn of Africa, and further speak even of 'Hell on Earth', and as with regards to daily living too, speaking of being mired in or living around the Casual too that is.

In all again perhaps, it is left to those in the Horn of Africa, to truly find out what does constitute a Near-Death Experience in all and even in its most basic form too, and one too that should be welcomed, and as with regards even, and to escaping the Casual too that is.

The Casual and the Horn of Africa: