Wednesday 8 January 2014



Those in the Horn of Africa, might have reason to be Unhappy and generally Unsatisfied too, and with their everyday lives that is. This in all ways even does speak of what does constitute for everyday Happiness in all, and in the Horn of Africa too that is, and as with it consisting even, and of making many a Tension in all, and that one will find pleasing in their ways that is. This in all ways even does speak of Intimacy, and the huge problem even, that those in the Horn of Africa do have, and as with regards to attempting to avoid it and at all cost too that is. In all ways even, a game here being played, and as with regards to creating tensive moments in all, and which one might be addicted too and as with speak even of violence that is, but in all ways even, a Game of getting close and then breaking away, and doing this repeatedly in all, and so as as to attempt to create a bond in all, one might truly like that is.

In all ways too, it is believed that general Relationships in the Horn of Africa, and especially between Boys and Girls, are somewhat disastrous in all again, and as with regards even to attempting to create memorable moments and in a relationship too that is, and as with all this even speaking of relationships in the Horn of Africa, very much consisting of Strangers, and who are to scared in all, and of getting close to each other that is. In all ways though, here does lie the beauty of living in the Horn of Africa that in all that, such relationships in all again, can extend to those living outside the Horn of Africa, and as with speak even of Perfect Strangers too that is.

The Fear of Intimacy and the Horn of Africa: