Tuesday 14 January 2014



To speak of KNADS in all, or the Kenya National Archives and Documentation Services too, is to speak in all ways even, and of just one perspective, and of viewing the History of Kenya, and even the Horn of Africa and to some extent too that is. To understand this better, is to speak of KNADS in all, and as recording History, and as the Boran in all, probably would.

What the above does mean is that, there are atleast three ways of recording Kenyan History. The first and which does speak of the Boran, does in many a way even speak of Kenyan History in all and as viewed and from the very perspective of Political Strategy. In all ways even, this is the History that is recorded in all, and by KNADS too that is [and that which is taught in many a Kenyan School that is].

A second way of recording Kenyan History, does speak of it and as perceived even and from the eyes of Somali-Kenyans, and as with speak of Kenyan History, and as not only viewed from the perspective of Communications in all (and as with speak even of the building of the Kenyan Railway System, or even the birth of VOK in all), but in all ways even, speaks of Kenyan History, and as recorded in all again and as with regards to famous peoples in all, previously Kenyan too, and who did live in Kenya once upon a time that is [and such as Ernest Hemingway, or even 'English' Actress Kristin Scott Thomas, and who is actually a descendant of Kenyan Victorians that is]. In all ways even, this also does speak of the History of European styled Architecture, and as seen or found in Kenya too that is [Link].

A third way of viewing Kenyan History in all, does actually speak of what some do term Uzunguni, and as with this even pertaining to speak of an unknown world of Publishing in all, Kenyan too, and especially and as with regards to Victorian English that is. In all ways even, this does speak of a huge world of Publishing and unknown to most, and which has its origins in Pre-Colonial and Colonial Kenya too, and not only does it speak of perceiving Kenyan History as the Maasai would record it, but that in all ways even and unknown to most too, just about all works out there and as written not only in Victorian English in all, but also having components of Victorian Communications/speech to them, do actually have their origins in Kenya that is [and as with this controversially even, speaking of the Hobbit by Tolkien for instance, or even speak of a work such as the following: Link].

In many a way, while Kenyan History is often recorded from the perspective of White/'British' presences in Kenya, and as versus those said to be 'African' in all [and as with speak of KNADS too that is] [and as with White/'British' here, speaking of English speakers, while 'African' is said in all, to speak of Kiswahili speakers actually], Kenyan History in all again and as viewed perhaps and by the Maasai and Somali-Kenyans, does speak of Kenya in all, and as viewed and as home of various peoples, Victorian, Italian, European, American and even speak of the name Kenia too in all, and as differing from Kenya that is, and as with it even said to speak of figures and such as Siegfried Sassoon for instance [and with the only true inhabitants of Kenya, said to be the Maasai, the Boran and even Somali-Kenyans too that is].

In all ways even, the so called/termed 'struggle for Independence' in Kenya, is not actually valid in its ways, and as it in all does speak of Kenyan History, and from the very perspective of the Boran in all [and as Kenyan History said British and 'African' in all again], and as the author here, does view Kenya in all, and from the other two perspectives mentioned above that is, in that, any said subjugation of 'Africans' in Kenya, does only refer and to the British in all again, and with other groups in Kenya (and such as the Americans and even speak of Ernest Hemingway for instance), having no part in this History that is [and with figures and such as Lord Delamere too, more or less Victorian in their ways, and not British either] [and as with this even furherly referring and to the History of 'People of Colour' in all, and not 'African' either, but in all ways even Victorian, Italian, European or American, and whose History in all is not well recorded, but with an example of this speaking of the Comedian Sinbad for instance, and who in many a way too, are simply classified under the History of Britain in Kenya, and not British History in Kenya either].