Monday 13 January 2014

Oral Communications

Oral Communications.

There are those living in the Horn of Africa in all, and who might in all again, not know what to make of living in the place today. For many, and as with speak even perhaps and of those in Somalia too, all this is probably perceived and from the perspective of Infrastructure, and as with speaking even of few places here and there, to truly entertain oneself that is. In all, a true belief that things as they are at the moment, does speak of nothing much of interesting going on that is.

There is however a trick to learning how to enjoy living in the Horn of Africa, even when owning nothing much to ones back that is. This does speak of what some do term Oral Communications actually. That Oral Communications when mastered, allow for one in all, and in the Horn of Africa too, to very much see their Realities in all, and as they truly are (and as with speak even and of spotting opportunity or something of interest here and there), or even truly again, Oral Communications in all, and as what is truly needed, to truly learn how to just simply like oneself that is [like oneself in all, and as with simply knowing what to do with ones time and almost all the time too, or even simply in all again, have a funny, interesting and civil conversation with another, and as with regards even to the most mundane or boring of topics that is].

In all ways even, Oral Communications, and as with speak even of Kenya too, is what makes the Languages of the Maasai, the Boran and even Kenyan-Somalis, more superior in all, and to other 'tribal' languages seen in Kenya for instance, and as with these languages in all, said in all again and to be of Nubian extraction that is.

In all ways even, to describe Oral Communications in a clear manner, is to speak of how one does define Me, Myself & I, and as with truly knowing oneself as such that is, and in many a way too, the above work(s) of Biggles in all and by W.E.Johns too, speaking of Oral Communications, and not only from a Victorian Perspective in all ways even, but in all way too even, Oral Communications in all, and as seen or found in the Languages of the Maasai, Boran or even Kenyan-Somalis too that is.

Me, Myself & I: