Sunday 12 January 2014

The Parochial

The Parochial.

Many have heard of the term the Parochial. Most though, don't truly know exactly what it does mean. At the very least, this does speak of perceiving it all, and as it is often presented: as Altruism that is. To probably understand all this better, the Parochial in all, and as with regards even to Africa today, does speak even and of the Africa of making a Choice, making a Difference, or even debate in all again, and of whether Africans are Valuable or not that is [Link]. 

In all ways even, to better understand the Parochial, is to know in all that, it does go with the World and of a local community, and as highly dependent in all, and on a small Local Church too, and for survival that is. Even more interesting is the fact that, the Parochial in all, does have interesting origins, and as with speak even of the olden World too that is. In all, this does refer, and to a term some might have heard before: the Egypto-nubian world. That in all, the attempted merging in all too even, and of Egyptian and Nubian Civilizations, and as with they falsely believed similar to each other that is, and as with they even truly distinct from each other that us, did result in what some do term the Egypto-nubian world actually [Link] [and as with speak even, and of an Africa and as populated by little Villages here and there that is].

In all ways though, to speak of the Parochial, does speak even and of massive brainwashing in all and by a Parental Figure too for instance, and as with the belief even that life in all, is about certain forms of suffering that is [those deemed Parochial or Altruistic in nature actually] [and as with this speaking truly even, and of mass suffering in all that is]. To understand this much better, is to of course know of an alternate existence, and as versus the Parochial, and that did exist and before the Western/Modern World did come to be that is: the Biblical. In many a way, the Biblical is often associated and with Cartoon and Animated Biblical stories in all, and as would be seen in ones television that is. In reality though, a better way to look at the Parochial and as versus the Biblical too, is to speak in all ways even and of the Mediterranean in all [Link1, Link2, Link3], and as having been Parochial, and while what they do call the Levant in all again [Link1, Link2, Link3], was very much actually Biblical in all that is.

In all ways, the Modern/Western World, and as based around the Parochial too, and speak even of mass suffering everywhere in all, and as with the false belief that, the Western World in all, is actually Biblical in its ways, and as many a Magazine in all, might present it [and as versus Television too, and which is in many a way Parochial that is].

All the above stated, and for those in the Horn of Africa, and as with telling them that, it is best in all again, to avoid or forego, most Media seen today (and as with it Western/Modern too), and as it can lead to massive brainwashing in all, and as with regards even, and to just how the World does work that is [overcoming suffering (and of the masses too( and in all its forms that is]. In all ways even, it is best to seek out Media in all, and that is very much Biblical in its ways [and as with speak even hereof and of many a video link and on this Blog too that is], but in all ways even is to tell many that, life in the Horn of Africa and as a region too, or even Kenya too, is not as bad as most believe it to be, and if one does realize that the Biblical, does continue to exist and to some extent that is [that in all ways even, one can learn to make friends and who are more or less Biblical in their ways that is]. 

Finally in all again, and as with speak even and of this Blog have done otherwise before, is to promote in all again, the so called 'African Bible' and by Paulines Publishing too, and as the best way in all, to truly ground oneself perhaps, and into the Biblical too that is [that those in all and still living in the Parochial, are eventually bound to go crazy in all again, and on failing to realize that the Parochial World in all, does speak even and of mass suffering, and that in all again, only a few do ever make it out alive that is (and as with having enough savings to one actually)]. In all again, a true recommendation and to all in the Horn of Africa, to truly read the 'African Bible' in its entirety, and free yourself in all too even, and from massive brainwashing and that does arise and with Childhood too, and in the Horn of Africa that is [and as with further speak even and of the King James edition of the Bible, and also New Testament only versions of the Bible too, and as actually referring/dealing with the Parochial that is].

The spirit of the Biblical:

The spirit of the Parochial (Egypto-nubian / Mediterrenean):

(the Haves / Independents)

(the Have Nots / Dependents)