Thursday 10 July 2014



Those in the Horn of Africa, truly do know in all perhaps, and of just what Wonder truly does mean. That in all again, many a person in the Horn of Africa, and as a region too perhaps, does spend in all, alot of their Time, Wondering, and as with regards even, and to speak of Success in itself too that is [that most in the Horn of Africa, and as speaking in all here, and of 'Totally Summing' Oneself up, it then in all again, does actually speak, and of just whom one is, and when they do Wonder actually].

In all, is to perhaps tell many a person in the Horn of Africa that, what they do Wonder about, will in many a way, truly determine perhaps, if in many away, they do truly Succeed in life or not that is. In attempting to make this clearer, is to perhaps in all again speak of it all and as said Psychology too, and Psychology in all again, and that does truly speak of just whom/who one is, and with 'Simple Humour' too actually [that the failure in all, and to truly define oneself, and as with regards to 'Simple Humour', will in many a way see to it, that one does in many a way, fail in life that is, and despite having a great start to anything too actually)].

In all, Wonder, and as with it all even going along here perhaps, and with the Call to Government and to truly reform or change Media in the Horn of Africa, and as with further regards even, and to speak of what many in the Horn of Africa in all, do Wonder about that is [and as with it all even said a Libidinal problem too, and as arising in all again, and with having many in all, Wonder, and to what some might call Uchochefu (Crap), and as compared to something more worthwhile in its ways, and as with regards to speak of Wonder too that is].
