Monday 7 July 2014



Most in the Horn of Africa in all, and as said a region too, do in all ways even know of Bannings. In many a way, talk of Bannings, has come to be associated and with Banned Substances, or in many a way too, speak even of Pornographic literature for instance [and as not sold in Kenyan Stores that is].

What in all though, are Bannings all about? It in can be said, it is something in all, not to clear to explain (and other than speak of specialized Police Forces in Kenya, and such as those some do call Sinya or Ponyi too), but that in all ways even, it all does speak of Psychology in the Horn of Africa, and that does go along and with Internalized States that is.

To attempt to make the above clearer, is to speak in all perhaps, and of the obsession in the Horn of Africa, and with Beautification perhaps (and as versus Cosmetics too), in that, those in the Horn of Africa, are the kind to readily Identify and with an Image of a kind (Images, Photographic Images, Pictures, Photos etc.), and as with it all even, making a strong impact and on one that is [and further speak too, and of Development in Kenya, and as going along and with speak of Beautification that is][and as with telling one in all too that, this all does speak of a Spirituality, and that does not speak of Subconscious Programming in all, but one in all again and just whereupon, one on Identifying with an Image, finds themselves suffering, and from all kinds of Spiritual Malaise & Ailments that is][and as with furtherly adding that, it is best in all, and to stick to Photographic Images and as with regards to this, and not Pictures either, and as are often seen in Magazines, and which do breed all kinds of Complexes that is]. In all, the Identifying with a Photographic Image, and as said leading in all again, and to one and as spotting many an opportunity, and in life that is.

In all though, and as with speak of Kenya here, speak furtherly even, and of Herbalism, and as said truly in all again, and to speak of true, genuine or authentic Kenyan Identities (and from the very perspective of Emotional Health too), and further speak too, and of Kenyan Identity and in speech too, and as somewhat said truly Egyptian in its ways actually.