Monday 7 July 2014



To speak of Corridors and the Horn of Africa, is to in all ways even, speak of life in the Horn of Africa or Kenya too (and as a region that is), and as defined and by speak of Extremes that is. That Extremes, and as versus speak of Range in all, does in all ways even speak of Individuals, but that in all again, it is known that most in the Horn of Africa in all, do create Identity, and that does speak even of Extremes, and as versus speak of Group experiences that is.

In all, when those in the Horn of Africa, have often sought to deal and with Extremes in their lives, they have sought out 'Corridors', and in the Horn of Africa too that is (and as said a region too), and in dealing with many an Extreme, and as arising even, and with Daydreaming too for instance.

The very world of Corridors: