Tuesday 1 July 2014

Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property.

Many in the Horn of Africa, might just have heard of the term/phrase 'Intellectual Property'. That it in all, it is believed said to speak of High Intelligence, and as with further speak even and of many a spotted or missed out (on), Business Opportunity that is.

In helping one understand Intellectual Property, is to in all again, attempt to deal with the misinformed belief perhaps, that the World outside Africa, has always operated and as based on speak of IP - Intellectual Property, and not Trading Schemes truly either for instance. This is not truly false, and as most of the World has always depended on speak of Trading in all, and as with regards to speak of New Ideas too, while Intellectual Property, is in many a way truly, something African, and if not Egyptian that is [and speak even and of Historical contact, and of many a place outside Africa, and with Africa too] [and further speak even and of the term Ethiope for instance].

In all again, while Stock Exchanges and outside Africa, have always had to do, and with Trading Schemes for instance, those in Africa, can be said in all, and to best profit, and from speak of Intellectual Property, and such as that which does go along, and with speak of Monetization, and (Popular) Media too that is.