Friday 25 July 2014

the Elementary

the Elementary.

Those in the Horn of Africa, might have of the phrasing 'a change in the nature' (and of something in all that is). This in many a way, does in all even, speak of and of just how, Human existences, are said believed in all, and to have arisen, and in the Horn of Africa too that is.

To speak and of all this, and in a manner, and that is sensible in its ways, is to associate what they do term the Elementary, and in the Horn of Africa and as a region too, and in speak in all, and of Rites/Rite that is. That in all, everything and that is said and to happen and in the Horn of Africa and as a region too (everything that is), is said believed in all again, and to arise and with speak and of just how those in the Horn of Africa and as a region too in all, do define Rites/Rite that is. It is here in all again, and that Kenya in the very least for instance, does have its History, and as now said to encompass Rites/Rite (and in a somewhat chaotic manner truly), and that does speak of the Indigenous, the Swahili, the Victorian in all, and speak even and of further Influences in all again, and as said African/Tanzanian, the Arabian, the European, the American, and even speak of the Muslim in all actually. 

What are Rites/Rite though? It in all, and as said defined simply here, does speak of Humans in all perhaps, and as simply said Greeting and Parting with each other that is. That though, is a basic definition and of Rites/Rite in all, and as in its highest levels in all, it does in all again rise, and to speak even and of Freemasonry for instance [and as probably in all, associated with Scotland too for instance]. For the Horn of Africa though, and in speaking of Rites/Rite in all, it all in all again, does go along and with speak and of just how in all, one does perceive their environs, and from a Communicational perspective that is. The very belief that, those in the Horn of Africa in all, don't often tend in all again, and to see their environments and as they truly are, but that in all ways even and in speak of Kenya here and as an example too, speak and of why Nature in Kenya does simply change, and as with it all even said to speak of it and as rather Dry or rather Green too, and further speak in all, and of Mist and Hailstones in all that is, and as very much said a part of the Weather systems, and in the Horn of Africa too and as a region in all actually. In truly attempting to explain all this, is to tell one that, it does in all speak and of just how we do define Rites/Rite and in the Horn of Africa and as a region, and as with it in even said, Elementary or Fundamental and as with regards to Identity creation, in that, those in the Horn of Africa and as a region too in all, do perceive just about everything around them, and from a Communicational stance too, and that does speak in all, and of one and as said Greeting and Parting, and with just about everything to be found and as seen around one that is [and in many a way too, speak even and of why the Sky in Kenya for instance, has been traditionally known to be totally Cloudless in its ways, and as with it all even, taking the very form of a Dome too for instance].

In all, something rather difficult to deal with, but with it in all again said even, and to speak of Basic Intelligence and in the Horn of Africa and as a region too, and speak in all and of just whom those in the Horn of Africa, are, and as simply said Civil in their ways, and as with regards truly even, and to speak of the Swahili term Maoni for instance [and further speak too and of a culture and of Kukopesha in all again, and as said an integral part of Identity, and in the Horn of Africa too that is].