Friday 24 October 2014



In speaking of the word/term Uchumi, is to in all ways even readily associate it, and with speak of Economy, and in the Swahili world too that is. To put it though, and into a Developmental Perspective, and one that does in all even, speak of the Kenyan Economy, and as readily associated with Distribution Networks too, and that do in all speak and of Wholesale and Retail too, is to in all ways even now, associate it in all again, and with the Swahili too, and in speak of 'Investing in the people' that is [and Investment too, and as said primarily viewing 'the people' in all, and from a Lawful, Educational and Healthful perspective too that is]. In all, 'Investing in the people', and as now said to speak of attempting to put a Light/'Spark', and into society in Kenya for instance, and as with it in all even said leading to the Unbelieveable that is.