Thursday 23 October 2014



The term Demokrasia in all, might be of interest and to many a person, and as having lived life in Kenya (and not the Horn of Africa in particular either that is), and very much through the (Time) Periods and that do arise in all, and with the Moi Regime that is [and speak furtherly too, and of the the very phrase 'the Nyayo Era' that is].

That Demokrasia in all, does bring with it, a drastic change and in the way of life, and from that associated and with the Kenyatta Regime too, and as the latter in all, did truly attempt to spearhead Development, and in speak of an Acculturation process in itself, and that did in all even see Kenyans attempt to create Nationalistic Identities, and as going along and with Identity formed in all again, and in speak of many a Festive Gathering and Commune too that is [Link1, Link2, Link3].

In all, the so termed Kenyatta Era, and as going along too, and with speak of Local Government in itself that is.

In many a way though, with the Kenyatta Era now said to be coming to an end [and an Era too, in many a way associated and with speak of Cabinet Ministers, and such as speak even of Hon. Charles Njonjo in all for instance, and as said in all again Cultured Figures that is], Demokrasia in all, brings a truly differing way of life into Kenya, and one in many a way too, that does help in all build a 'culture' perhaps, and of Chaos & Disorder, and as believed in all even, and to speak of Routine life in itself that is [and further speak too, and of Matatu cultures for instance].

What though, is Demokrasia? It can be said in all again, and to have to it, antecedents, and that do in all even speak of the Nyayo Philosophy in itself, and as said Nubian in its ways actually. That Demokrasia in all, does truly fail in its ways, and in speak of its failure in all again, and in truly defining the most basic or simple of Kenyan Routine lifestyles that is [and with Kenya's Social or Socio-Economic problems in all, now somewhat addressed, and in speak of a lack of access to Money/Funding, and not speak of (Public/Private) Knowledge in itself either that is].

In all again, and back to the question posed above, what in all though, is Demokrasia in itself? It can in all, be said to speak of life in Kenya, and as now said Politically too in all, to have to it, three main Themes that is: Language, Rights and Justice in itself too that is.

That the Moi Era in all, and as with it in all even associated and with speak of Africa's 'Big Men' that is, does see to it, the very rise of Corruption and Bribery in Kenya, and in a Kenya too, now associating life and existence in itself, and with speak of Language, Rights and Justice in themselves, and as said Themes too that is.

That in speaking of Language in all, one does find that, other than speak of Kenya and as said having two National Languages to it: Kiswahili and English, one does find that, inorder to succeed in Kenya / 'Kenyan society' in all, one does not truly have to Master Language (and as often taught in Kenyan Schools for instance), but that in all ways even truly learn just how to develop certain forms of Communications & Language, and that would help one Succeed, and as with it in all even though, actually helping give birth in all, and to a language of corruption/bribery in itself that is. In all, speak too and of the very world in all again, and of corruption/bribery, and as truly associated with speak of the late Hon. Minister Robert Ouko in himself that is [and further speak too of the Goldenberg Scandal for instance].

In speaking of Rights, is to in all even speak not only of Human Rights, but in all ways truly even, and of the very issue or matter, and of Encroachment in itself that is [and basic speak here in all even, and of the Lord Cholmondeley Trial for instance]. That in all, many a said Succeeding or Prosperous Kenyan in all (Prosperous too, and as said to speak and of one and as said having enviable Social Relations in all), does now see, many a figure, and as said now Encroaching on ones Rights, and in speak of Political Turmoil in Kenya, and as going along in all, and with speak Land Grabbing issues/matters for instance, or speak truly even and of the spreading in all, and of Slum and Squatter Settlements all over Kenya that is [and further speak too of Ethnic Cleansings in themselves]. Speak too in all again, and of said Ideal Kenyan existences or way of life (and with the Ideal here, going along in all, and with speak of well liked figures or characters in Kenya that is) (Link), now very much said erased in all, and as Kenya now, does develop in all, a culture of Stereotyping, and that does lead in all even, and to all forms of said Ethnic/Social Violence, and that does at the very least speak of Diatribe and Hatred in itself, and as seen/found amongst the Kikuyu and Luo peoples of Kenya that is. In all, speak too, and of Nyayo Era Figures, and such as the late Hon. Vice-President/Minister George Saitoti, or speak truly even, and of former Hon. Minister William Ole Ntimama in himself that is.

In speaking of Justice, speak now in all, and of Kenyan life and as said to go along, and with speak of the Touristic/Hospitality Industry in itself, in that, Kenyan society in all perhaps, now comes to be associated truly and with the word/term Graft in itself that is, and as with it in all even speaking of a culture, and of many a person simply plotting against another, and in speak of alleviating them in all, and of any Wealth, Property or Success/Status gained, and further speak too and of a mentality and of associating Wealth, Property or Status/Success in Kenya, and as said seemingly Victorian too in all, and with the Western World, when in reality, such Wealth etc., can be best said to arise in all, and with speak of African/Kenyan Adventurism that is. In all again, speak of the rise and to fame, and of the very known name, Justice Evans Gicheru that is.

In all, in associating Demokrasia and with life in Kenya and as said associated and with the above Themes [and as with they in all even said to refer, and to what is going on and at this very moment too that is], one does find life now, and in Kenya too, now associated and with speak of defining oneself, and in speak truly of Proximity issues/matters in themselves that is. That in all, known Swahili terms and such as Shida, Tabu, Matatizo, Matata (Link) etc., does in all even speak and of just how we do define Proximity in our lives, and as with it all now, said truly intertwined and with the above mentioned Themes in all, and in speak of Kenyan life too in all again, and as said truly Chaotic and Disordely, and as with regards even, and to speak of rising Charges, Fines, Fees and (Food) Prices in themselves that is [and as Kenyans in all, now do find life in itself, and as said to incur, many a said believed unwarranted in all, Expense to it that is][Link]. In all, Demokrasia, and as said helping to ruin lives in Kenya, and in speak of the fact that, Kenya in all, and as said truly a diverse place and in speak of its peoples too, is said in many a way in all, and at the very highest levels of Office too that is, to in all not have any proper known forms of (Public) Formal Address (Speech), and in dealing with many an issue/matter, and that the so termed Local Mwananchi, might very much want Addressed that is [and as in speak for instance, and of just why in all, Squatter Camps, are said to be developing in all again, and in the Karen Residential Area of Nairobi, and as with it even a place said to now house, the very home of now acting President of Kenya, William Ruto in all that is].

In all, Demokrasia, and as still very much capable of transforming Kenyan lives (or those in the Horn of Africa in itself too), and via speak in all again, and of just how best to go about defining Themes in our lives, and as with truly attempting at the very least, to associate life in Kenya now, and in Themes too that is, and with speak of Kenyan/African Lakes too that is [Link].