Tuesday 28 October 2014

African Theosophy

African Theosophy.

How best in all, to describe, what one does call Theosophy, and for those in the Horn of Africa too? It in all even can be said perhaps, and to speak and of just whom or who in all, one truly is, and with Attention, and not Acceptance either. That Media in all, and as seen/found in the Horn of Africa, is often believed said and to deal with many an Acceptance issue/matter, and as going along in all, and with speak of National Development in itself too. Theosophy though, does in all even refer to Media, but in all again and simply put, can be said to speak of Media, and that does highly speak only, and of Attention in itself that is.

In all, what is been said here is that, the so called Developed World, and in speak and of their in all again, simply thinking of themselves in a positive manner, does in all even speak and of just how in all, they do choose to Present or Represent themselves, and in speak of Attention, and not Acceptance either [and as is the case, and with the said Less Developed World that is].

In all, and in helping those in the Horn of Africa, truly redefine themselves and away from Modern Conventionalism/lifestyles in all, and as in speak of Media in the Horn of Africa today too, and towards viewing themselves and with a Media and that does have to do, and with their focusing in all, and on just how in all again, to best view or define themselves, and as with regards to Attention too, the following in all, are believed said even proper Organizational formats, and in helping one truly start viewing themselves and life, and in the Horn of Africa too, and not only from a Historical perspective in itself (and as in accepting what did already happen), and as in speak here too in all, and of truly in all again, now thinking deeply and of a life well lived and in the Horn of Africa too, and as said to speak of one and as truly thinking of themselves, and from speak even of 'National Attention', or in many a way too, speak in all again and of, and of what they do term the Devotional that is [and in speak of Devotion in itself, or even Passion too that is].

1. Packaging - The idea of Packaging and as with regards to speak of Media and Development, has in all ways even come to be truly associated, and with self-packaging and as some do call it, and which does in all even speak of promotion/self-promotion (the CV, the Resume, the Portfolio etc.), and as with it all even speaking and of just how in all, one does view life, and from speak even and of what some do term 'Future Prospects' that is [and as with they even said to go along and with speak and of just how in all one does define envy or hate harboured too for instance, and as with telling one that, it does in all even speak of and of just how one does define Status, and away from Government too that is]. In all, the very route used by the so termed Developed World, and when they do think of themselves, and as said truly Developing that is.

2. Locales/Locality - The very idea, and of using Locales/Locality and as Identity, and as going along in all and with speak of Development in itself, is said to do and with speak of Attention in all, and as going along in all again, and with one and as said and as possessing a Festive Identity in all that is [or one too, and as said to truly know, what the Festive, does refer to, and when speaking of Development or Celebration in itself too that is].

3. Family Media/Entertainment - when one does speak of Family Media / Entertainment, and as going along in all, and with speak of Media and Development too, it in all even does speak and of Success truly, and not Status truly either, and as defined and in speak and of what does truly constitute for Ownership, and as said referring in all even, and to speak of a National, Historical Global or even International Awareness/Consciousness that is [and as with it even said the most conventional of ways or manners, and by which Success in the Horn of Africa today in all, is sought out by][and in speak too, and of many a said Successful Businessman and in the Horn of Africa too that is].

4. Group Art/Performance - a mostly unknown manner and of creating Identity and that does speak even of Success, and as geared towards the garnering or gaining of Attention, but with it even said truly Public, and not Private either [and speak even and of the Indian and Islamic Communities in Kenya for instance, and further speak too and of Idd-ul-fitr, or even Diwali in itself that is].

5. The Institution of Marriage - the creating of Identity in the Horn of Africa in all, and as going along in all again and with speak of Success or Status truly, and as attained and in speak of the Institution of Marriage and as now associated in all and with what is believed to stand for an African Drama [Link], and as with it now even said National in its ways that is [and further speak too here, and of an African Royalty for instance].