Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Media Development

Media Development.

Developmental Agendas & the Horn of Africa:

This entry in many a way, will attempt to introduce the very idea and to most in the Horn of Africa in all, and that does in all say that, Development in all again (and if not speak of Progress in itself too), and in the Horn of Africa in all, actually does go along in all again, and with speak of Media Development in itself, and not speak of Economic Indicators or Indexes, and such as speak of GDP's, or even GNP's that is.

That in all, the so called Third World in all, continues to lag behind the rest of the World, and as Development in all, and in the Third World too that is, is truly associated and with speak only of Public Media in itself, and Public Media too, and that is in all even associated, and with speak of Public Images, Modern too, and that do in all even take Modern/Western History into account that is. That in all for instance, those Countries in all again and that are termed 'Second World' for instance, and as including speak of Singapore too in all, do in all again, not only have a more or less Developed Public Media (and speak too of Public Lifestyles that is), but that in all ways even, they are now said to be very much engaging in the Development of Private Media, and which in all again does not in all speak of Privatized Television as most would believe, but in all ways even, Media Development, and that does go along and with speak of Workplaces (Link), Schools/Universities (Link), 'Churches' (Link), Private Clubs (Link) etc. [that Kenya in all for instance, and as said now even, Middle-Income in Status, does speak of it and as having a more or less developed Private Media, and that does speak even and of the Church in Kenya in itself that is, and not Private Business Ownership either][In all again, is to perhaps tell those in the Horn of Africa that the Kenyan Government in all, does possess a more developed Private Media, and in speak of Workplace Benefits and Options too that is, and as compared to speak of Non-Government 'Businesses'/Workplaces in all][that in all again, the very world of the Consultant/Transaction in all, does arise and with Government Workplace Media in Kenya too that is, and as compared in all again, and to the more complicated world of Venture Capitalists, and which does in all even truly speak and of one and as truly understanding, what Private Equity is, and in a Horn of Africa in all, very much known not to have a History, and of proper Wealth Development/classification in all that is (and as with it even said Cultural too)][Link - Yoruba Art/Wealth].

In all, speak truly even, and of what does constitute and for Public Media in Kenya for instance, and as Public Media in all, is often known to in many a way distort, how one does view Kenya's problems that is. That in all, most Public Media in Kenya, does often go along and with speak of Education in itself, when in reality, a much better view or manner and of tackling Kenya's problems in all, does view of its problems, and as best perceived and in speak of Health concerns, or even the Law in itself too that is [and with speak of Kenya Vision 2030 for instance, attempting to Develop a Public Media in all, and for Kenya, and that does speak and of the Law in itself that is][In many a way though, such a Public Media, that which does speak of the Law in all, does not in all even, truly tell us, just what Law is being implemented, and as in speak of Kenya and its Constitution, does bring a troubling aspect to it all, and that does in all even speak and of Civility in Kenya, in that, Kenya in all, or the Horn of Africa too, is not said to possess a History in all again, and that does in all even mandate, its having a said developed Constitution that is].

In all though, what is being said here is that, those in Kenya for instance, and who are in all ways even said better off, and than the rest too, do in all ascribe or subscribe, and to differing Private Media's in all (and as with they even having to do with the Church, or speak even of Diplomatic Service/Agencies in Kenya), and that Kenya in all for instance, and as said truly developing, does speak in all even, and of its Private Media, and as truly rising in all, and to levels and that do speak of Specialization (and speak too of what truly is said to constitute, and for a Syllabus, Program or even Curriculum too that is), or speak even, and of Private Media and Local Museums too for instance]

['American Media Development' - Link].