Sunday 2 February 2014



For those living a life and as based around Media in itself, many a problem perhaps, and as with regards to just how best to perceive God in all that is. That this in many a way, does not only speak of being an Apologetic perhaps, or even speak of the Near-Death Experience too and as opening up one to Life in itself, but in all ways truly even, God as perceived in all again, and as the 'Highest Power' in all, and as with speak even of Shekinah for instance, and as with this in many a way even, speaking of being Exposed in all again, and to the highest levels even, and of Stimulus too (and as with simple speak even, and of the perfect kiss for instance), but in all ways even, speaks of knowing God in all, and at a rather Individual level, and as with speak even and of not being able to prove his existence in all, but in all ways even, speak of being able to expose his existence in all again, and via many an Action one would take, and as arising from Stimulus in itself that is [and as with speak even of a praiseworthy basic response that is].

''The Highest Power'':