Wednesday 26 February 2014


of Civillians.

Statecraft & the Horn of Africa:

Most of those living in the Horn of Africa today, do in many a way, appear to have their priorities wrong. This in many a way too, does have to do, and with just how they do in all again appear to envision life that is [and as with this referring even, to just how they do envision in all, life and as lived as a success actually]. 

In many a way, this does speak even, and of the very fact that, most in the Horn of Africa, do aspire in all, to somewhat live Americanized lives, and as with this speaking even, and of not only how one does perceive success in itself (and as with speak even of gender relationships in themselves), but in many a way truly, speak even of American styled Business Ownership that is. In many a way, the failure by many in the Horn of Africa to realize their dreams in all, does speak even of the very fact that, living out American like lives, does speak even and of truly defining oneself, and as a Resident too that is [and not a citizen either] [and as with citizen here, and with a small C too, speaking even of simply being acclimatized and to a place too that is].

However though, living life as a Resident, is not the best way to live life in the Horn of Africa in all, and despite certain groups in Kenya, and of old Wealth too, doing as such that is.

In all again, to better explain all the above, is to perhaps best speak of what does constitute for a Resident, a Citizen, and even a Civillian too that is, of Civics [and as with being a Civillian, just whom those in the Horn of Africa in all, truly aspire to be that is].

1. The Resident: To speak of the Resident in plain speak in all, is to not only speak of only America in all and as defining itself and as based around this form of Political Identity too [and as with further speak even, and of why America today, or the United States of America too that is, is actually classified as a Welfare State in all], but that in all ways even and as with regards to plain speak, being a Resident (or Citizen or Civillian too), does speak even and of just how we do define ourselves and as based around all kinds of Arrangements, Formations and Alignments too, but that in all ways even being a Resident in all, does speak of defining oneself as an Individual truly (and as with further speak even of Freedoms, Liberties and Civil Liberties too), but that in all ways even, speak of being a Resident/Individual in all again, does speak even and of being Highly Opinionated that is [but in a civil manner too actually].

2. The Citizen: Made famous in Europe, but especially France, the Citizen and as a Political Identity, and as with speak even of the Political, Cultural and Religious Imagery that does go with it all, speaks even of simply being defined as a Figure in all again, and a Figure too, very much even, Highly Cultured in their ways that is [and as with this speaking even, and of Royalty too actually].

3. The Civillian: This in many a way, does refer to those who do view the World in all, and from speak of Egalitarianism, Cosmopolitanism, and even Worldliness in itself too [but as defined based around speak of Decency and Impropriety too actually], and as with this even speaking of defining oneself, Politically too, and as a Person, and as with a Person and as said a Civillian too, speaking even of one said Highly Knowledgeable in all that is.

In all again, Kenya and the Horn of Africa, and as with speak even of Political life and as seen today too, can be said to be divided into two parts in all, and as with speak even of those said to live in poverty in many a way (and as with speak even of the so termed Third World too), defining themselves in all again, and as citizens too (small C), or in many a way speak of those who have to be acclimatized to the place, and as with this speaking even of those who are heavily even dependent on others, and not for Resources truly, but speak of Knowledge in all actually [and as versus Civillians too, and who in the very least, are Knowledgeable of themselves, and as with speak even of ones strengths and weaknesses that is].

The world of the Civillian: